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  1. #3
    As Zerozet has at the top of his posts they would be the best points to start off first and well worth to so you don't waste valuable resources.

    I am sort of new to the game about to entre my 3rd month so was in the same boat as you are in now. At the very start I would try to get your base/core units to a decent lvl maybe around the 30 region. This will include Katie who is great at boosting your unit counter with her skill and can act as a good second tank so she should be high on your list. Also as Zerozet said you would also want to focus on building up some archers, healers and a good main tank.

    A system I use when lvling units would be to save your bronze units you nab for lvling your units above 30 to lvl 50 and use iron for 1 - 30. This should save you money as lvling with iron above 30 isn't very cost effective. Also in the beginner guide you will find what maps are the best to farm when you get to them. Also hold onto your silver units you get from them missions you will need them later, it is explained in the beginners guide.

    Katie was my first CCed unit as well and is well worth the investment. She wasn't my first awakened unit but she is on top of my list for next to be awakened and I use her a lot. If your ever low on cash be sure to save your charisma and stamina for the monday daily as you can net some good gold from it by selling the gold armor units you can earn from it. Not sure how strong your base is but you will need to build them up before taking on the dailies.
    Last edited by Jay Rich; 06-29-2016 at 01:20 AM.

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