we had 2 gold rushes and i believe we had bernice in both ( cant remember exactly). Shes such a staple pick for a heavy , that even the manga has a chapter with her.

My guess is that we have a good chance of seeing her again in a gold rush. Other then that , assuming u are freemium , try to save all your sp crystals till u can do 10-20 summons at once , and keep them for a day when the spotlight has bernice.
I got a lyla from sp , so golds are deffinetly a possibility.
If you have the gold , u can try doing 2k summons as well during that spotlight , but the chances of golds is way less.

Of , speaking of summons , if u wanna do sc summons , 3 sc summon tend to be better at getting gold units per sc spent then 5 sc. Ofc the chances for higher rarity do decrese...