Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
It's only painful if you were absolutely required to min cost her to be usable. The fact that she has a guaranteed copy from very easy maps that's as good as a premium makes it a godsend for F2P. You can get a shrine lvl plat unit with -1CR and maybe a silver or two while still making it home in time for Thursday and Monday boosted dailies with no SC spent. If you're a F2P hoping to mincost all your event units, you're being unrealistic.
This. If you look at my post, Cost -1 Belinda will take you 41 hours worth of stamina regeneration on average. That's just Saturday and Sunday, where you don't conflict with dailies (other than Saturday's Orb daily) and you'll have a -1 cost, same as if you pulled the same premium unit twice.
Cost -2 would take 116 hours/24 = almost 5 days but you can still take Monday and Thursday dailies and have an almost min-costed Belinda. It only gets ridiculous if you just HAVE to have that final CR.