Perhaps no matter what you get is a bit strong. I'd amend it to 99% of accounts opening rolls.

I don't use ANY silvers anymore is also a very odd statement. I don't care how premium your army is, some maps ARE NOT POSSIBLE without cheap bronze or silver units. Just because you aren't farming them currently doesn't mean you won't need them should you want to do them later. UP cost isn't just a problem for newer players, the hardest rush maps test everyone's UP. Most just seem to forget because they aren't the good farm maps.

I'd consider Soma and Daniela as pretty interchangeable, and Daniela isn't strictly better though more useful I agree. It's usually the early maps where you'd want such a cheap archer anyway though so it's kinda moot.

The reason I say Alissa is hard to skip is because of the large number of maps where you need 3 and maybe even 4 healers. So unless you're rolling all of the premium healers (and maybe even if you Have them, where UP is tight) you're going to need a silver to supplement, and a reduced Alissa is the only silver I personally still use on a regular basis. you didn't use silvers, but used golds you rolled anyways. A gold archer only costs 1 UP more than a silver so...w/e. If I really wanted to go no silvers even Valerie is easily skippable because of Cyrus, but you're just gimping yourself in the short term by skipping them entirely without very particular units from shrine. Of course this is all only when UP is an issue, otherwise go bananas.