Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I already had a previous post for leveling advice, and my core team is coming along nicely tbh. I've got a CC Misha who's filling my role as a quick duelist to get in there and delay for a bit-- her self heal is a god send if I have to drop her away from my core healers. This was mainly a thread I made just because I was curious if there was a point in bothering with Princesses or not.

I've got four of them now, thanks to this event. I just drew Olivie earlier today, and I don't see me being unable to get Anya. This game is quite literally tossing these Princesses to me and I have no clue what to do with them all!
All the Plat+ Princesses are fully viable, but they excel at different things/on different teams. Sherry, as mentioned before, is a F2P's best friend since their teams will be mostly gold/silver/event plat and she buffs all gold and lower rarity units with AW, plus she's a great offensive duelist. Lilia is a super tough tank, while Olivie buffs elves (including dark) and dwarves, and I think a few others, and her skill lets her dodge physical attacks (100% rate at max skill level!) while she (being an elf) comes with higher Resistance than other princesses (though less HP as well). Claudia is more balanced with an anti-dragon bonus and Skill Awakening (whenever we get it) gives her true damage (instead of magical), while Sybilla is an engine of death (AW lets her attack at range during skill). Anya is a bit different being more expensive and coming with 2 blocks instead of 1 (higher stats to back that up, though).

TLDR: Which princesses you focus on depends on your team (which units benefit from Olivie/Sherry buffs and whether you need more defensive or offensive minded duelists)