Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
solano is pretty much one of my most used units on 2 different accounts (a bit less now on the aisha/nanaly account since aisha can do somewhat similar things at a similar cost - as weird as it sounds )

I would seriously recomand min costing her as much as possible because she is quite strong (huge raw stats - she naturally has around 1.1k attack , an awakening passive that increases her attack speed , and a SAW that makes her do true damage. Everything about her is pure raw destruction ) .... Actually , of all old units that i would recomand spending moment cristals on , the only ones that stand out in my opinion are anya , karma and solano. And unlike karma (anya u can easily min cost if you unseal dornia) , that can work just as well at no cr or 1/2 cr , i'd actually recomand trying to min cost and max su solano.

Ofc , this is just my personal imput , but then again , i am a huge solano fan. Other veterans might not feel the same
yes Senpai, I shall work hard on micosting Solano