I personally did it with SAW saki. Used her to block the topside entry and use her skill during the rogue rush , an archer on the botside and the rest were anya/cornelia (or anya jessica on the other account) deployed right on spawnpoints with heavy healing support (2 awakened healers) as well as some magic dps and an archer (nanaly or bashira) to try to kill at spawn , as well as a barbarian on the 4th lane to block elizabeth and lilia

Ofc my way is a pretty brute force aproach and is based on having multiple awakened and saw-ed units but i think i saw multiple strategies with non aw units on wiki. Let me a moment to see if i can find the link , and ill post a video.

EDIT :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLkCq7tPgwY

He is using mostly non aw units other then claire (you should have it from a gold rush if i remember corectly) , but the isssue is that the other aw unit he is using is olivie