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  1. #351
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Kamahari Akuma View Post
    And then there is the people who cleared it early on because the 500 kill map was an afk farm once you had your endgame arrangement up.

    So yeah, to say I'm sad for no event this week is an understatement.

    Specially since I hit 200 recently so feel like all these stamina refills aren't going to a good cause.
    Actually, most of the time a newbie(played for about <3 months) have char for subjugation is when they have too much char left when they're about to lvl up and use it on subjugation since it don't interfere(much) with the leveling process.And personaly speaking, I just clear 10k kills on yesterday( one acc is lv 113, one is 14x) and only one acc have gotten the 500 kills reward so while I do feel disappointed that there's no reason for me to buy buff and power through storyline(and subjugation and dailies as well as event, if that's a star rush) itn't so depressing lack of thing to do as well.We just got AW for princess and most ppl got at least one already anyway, so it's not like we have nothing to do either.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The subjugation was very easy tho, and only takes 600 charisma if done optimally. That's 30 hours worth of charisma regen, and only a couple more if you dropped some kills on early attempts and had to run one more. Even one break week across the month would've been enough for almost anybody to fit in 10k kills. We are now at 3 break weeks and one farm event week across the subjugation. That's too much.

    - - - Updated - - -

    800* and 40* excuse the bad math.

  2. #352

    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    3 runs of spirit x with Celia without a single drop.. man breaks are such a good use of my stamina.

  3. #353

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    3 runs:
    black x2
    black x2 + rainbow =)
    Millenium War Aigis Team

    IGN: Sinc | ID: 264210

  4. #354

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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaxer View Post
    lol i'm on the same track as you, i have 7~ rainbow but don't want to use them on anything i have really
    i also want to AW my Sybilla and Claudia so good luck with that, i myself struggle with the runefencer's orbs, i need 5 of each to AW borh right? well i have 8 unicorn knight orbs and 1 runefencer
    the worse part is, i don't really have valks to AW, i mean i have the traitor, but since her attack speed decreases i'm not entirely sure if i want to AW her...
    so i finally got my 3rd runefencer's orb and i could AW Sybilla, since i don't really use/need her atm i will let her there in the storage and see if there will be a happy in the next event (never lose hope) and if not (most probably) i will start leveling her normally

    meanwhile that ranged attack is awesome

  5. #355

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Blaxer View Post
    so i finally got my 3rd runefencer's orb and i could AW Sybilla, since i don't really use/need her atm i will let her there in the storage and see if there will be a happy in the next event (never lose hope) and if not (most probably) i will start leveling her normally

    meanwhile that ranged attack is awesome
    Just remember to never SAW Sybilla, when we get it, because she loses her assassinate.

  6. #356

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Meh, she gets better in other ways which is more reliable than an assassinate that won't proc too often on the thingies that matter anyways.

  7. #357
    Hmm.. so SAW is replacing normal skill or you have both:P ?

  8. Quote Originally Posted by Davion View Post
    Hmm.. so SAW is replacing normal skill or you have both:P ?
    It replaces the original skill. There are some that can switch into a units old skill after first activation, but those are not very common as far as I'm aware.
    *~The Great Aigis Wishlist~*

  9. #359
    That's slightly meh, for some characters They becoming so skilled, that they forget slightly less advanced skills.
    Last edited by Davion; 06-10-2016 at 07:53 AM.

  10. #360

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    Quote Originally Posted by Overload View Post
    Just remember to never SAW Sybilla, when we get it, because she loses her assassinate.
    well if skill awoken, she becomes more reliable, not depending on an assassination gives you a good mesure of whether or not you can kill an enemy or even clear a map; that, and her skill gains 20 extra seconds and goes from 1.5x attack to 1.7x attack
    and to be honest if i want ranged assassination i would just throw saki, Sybilla has more important roles to fulfill as a meelee magic attacker :P

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