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  1. #1
    wait are people giving accounts away?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
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    some people have rerolled a number of accounts till they got units they liked. SOmetimes people have trown away pretty good black units just because they weren't aisha , nanaly , sybilla , olivie or even mikoto in some cases

  3. #3
    I have a main account 102 that has Clissa, 3 bad golds ;robert cuterie cyrus(fromshrine) and all silvers. All of my freemium rolls were pretty bad luck besides clissa ; rolled 3 kazuha. so If anyone has an account with a few good plats/golds I would be willing to trade. Im looking for a plat soldier/ any dps besides mage. Dirt cheap on paypal is also an option.

    I have fiery oasis unlocked and 152 demon crystals.

    Used 60-65 crystals total, 40 left to upgrade for next month.

    http://puu.sh/qzdA7/381d65041e.jpg Current Team

    http://puu.sh/qzdCz/ae8df57365.jpg Unit List

    http://puu.sh/qzdGr/2a47ea0f9b.jpg Unit List

    http://puu.sh/qzdHO/3f83a18430.jpg Unit List

    http://puu.sh/qzdRp/39f21d39d7.jpg Demon crystals

    http://puu.sh/qzdUf/e0967a9f2e.jpg Stamp Card

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    that team is not as bad as u make it look. Sure , u had bad draws , but for eample i have a 194 acount without a single premium black (well , i got saki , but she is trading post) , and my acount is pretty decent.

    Ofc , i wonțt argue with you to keep the acount if you feel that you had terrible luck on it , but im jut saying - it is salvageable

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    that team is not as bad as u make it look. Sure , u had bad draws , but for eample i have a 194 acount without a single premium black (well , i got saki , but she is trading post) , and my acount is pretty decent.

    Ofc , i wonțt argue with you to keep the acount if you feel that you had terrible luck on it , but im jut saying - it is salvageable
    I was happy that i got clissa so i leveled it to 100 and thought once i got spica i would be happy with it. It just feels so bad to go for a prem roll and get another duplicate silver.

    clissa lets me power through the story missions and has been really great. I just would have a number of good units then a couple of great units.

  6. #6
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by AigisWalker7 View Post
    I was happy that i got clissa so i leveled it to 100 and thought once i got spica i would be happy with it. It just feels so bad to go for a prem roll and get another duplicate silver.

    clissa lets me power through the story missions and has been really great. I just would have a number of good units then a couple of great units.
    You don't need any shiny gacha unit to 3* current content in aigis (majin is whale feast and dmm only atm.), i have only Lilia as my prem unit ofc. i don't count golds since i got most of them from gold rush and i 3* every event map in nutaku aigis.

  7. #7

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    I only have Sherry and Marnie as shiny premium units and i spend 50 bucks to get the first, so please. U got clissa i got Marnie, now think about your luck. What u dont have on premium Units can be filled from trading post via spica and saki and event units. I keept playing instat of giving up and now i have, besides the standart Bashira, Spica, Cypria and Viera, an Rita, Imelia, Waltz and Memento put together with Marnie (free rolls) and Sherry (that i spend 50€ on) together with the free golds like iris, katie or cyrus from Trading post and u filled all the needs you can have. Besides an HA. The more often you remake an account the less event units u will have. So bad idea. Im level 154.
    The only other golds i have worth mentioning are fedora, Mehlis and Zola. I did 30+ shrine pulls. 2 plats. All golds and silvers. My plat rate is below the 10% (6.6%) and my 90% chance for a black? Nope. Is my team bad? Hell no. Am i lucky? Hell no. Who cares. Luck doesnt change with switching Accounts. You can do what u want its your time but i wouldnt waste mine on resetting past level 100.
    The game keeps on getting harder from here on, the more you take your sweet time the longer u will offset AWing. And no shiny blacks or plats from shrine will compensate you for not having your core leveled or AWed.

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