I have a main account 102 that has Clissa, 3 bad golds ;robert cuterie cyrus(fromshrine) and all silvers. All of my freemium rolls were pretty bad luck besides clissa ; rolled 3 kazuha. so If anyone has an account with a few good plats/golds I would be willing to trade. Im looking for a plat soldier/ any dps besides mage. Dirt cheap on paypal is also an option.

I have fiery oasis unlocked and 152 demon crystals.

Used 60-65 crystals total, 40 left to upgrade for next month.

http://puu.sh/qzdA7/381d65041e.jpg Current Team

http://puu.sh/qzdCz/ae8df57365.jpg Unit List

http://puu.sh/qzdGr/2a47ea0f9b.jpg Unit List

http://puu.sh/qzdHO/3f83a18430.jpg Unit List

http://puu.sh/qzdRp/39f21d39d7.jpg Demon crystals

http://puu.sh/qzdUf/e0967a9f2e.jpg Stamp Card