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  1. #1

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    try to think for a second : if u can do this event with cc50 units , isn't it obvious that a full aw team will stomp it ? What's even your point here ? Its my fault that the devs decided on this event ? It's my fault that i aw-ed my team ?

    Or it's my fault for not going for a l33t "quicksilver" team like a special kind of fark would ?

  2. #2
    Only manged 18 of the 27 stars so far. Not bad but no good either. The Yeti and Demon maps are rather annoying. Also, I see a lot of guides using Memento but I don't have her since I was away from a computer during the event. Is there a good or decent substitute for her that a freemium user would have?

  3. #3

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    memento is used mostly for her tokens. Right now all the units that have tokens other then her are premium , and the ones i can think of now are agness , mikoto and fuuka (but fuuka's is different since she summons traps rather then skeletons)

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    memento is used mostly for her tokens. Right now all the units that have tokens other then her are premium , and the ones i can think of now are agness , mikoto and fuuka (but fuuka's is different since she summons traps rather then skeletons)
    Well damn, haha! It seems I am going to have to get creative then with what I have then.

  5. #5

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    There's also Berna, who turns all rogues into tokens upon awakening, bit then again...

    Technically Pupuru also brings tokens to the party, but since hers are a) ranged slot, and b) stealthed, so won't draw enemy fire, using them as one would use other tokens is impossible.
    Last edited by ZeroZet; 04-01-2017 at 03:40 PM.

  6. #6
    Should bring out the bronze soldier army But then again it's very tricky since you have to withdraw them before they get hit.
    FKG ID - 736832430

  7. #7

    I have Berna and she is pretty nice as well (in more ways than one) but awakening is a bit steep for now, I still have no awakened units and I nearly got Spica. An embarrassed player is embarrassed. And true, Druid tokens are more support than anything else.


    Bronze soldiers would be a go to solution on easier maps with early rushes but 1) they are rather weak and won't last long, 2) from what I've seen they bide time for stronger, more expensive units to come out, 3) the amount one would need would take up too much space, and 4) being that they're weak and this game's history of ever so slightly lagging when clicking a unit, they would die before they do anything meaningful or withdrawing as you mentioned.

    Oh dear, it seems their is no proper unit to take up a token user's place and a Memento revival is a long ways away. Hell even the merchant class will take a while to get here. So it seems I have to pray to get Agnes, Mikoto, or try to get Metus when her event comes, which may take even longer (and she is
    certainly something to look at).

    Well I'll just try to get as much as I can, if only A Determined Swordswoman didn't only have 1 heart, I mean who comes up with that with all those demons running around?!

    Anyway though, thanks everyone for the advice !
    Last edited by JSmith12; 04-01-2017 at 09:52 PM.

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