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  1. #1
    Hiro Guest
    Personally I'd prefer a one week break after two week's worth of events. Best balance of getting events and being able to participate in them IMO.

    As I'm relatively new (~ 1 month) I'm hurting for affection items, but I can expect that's going to solve itself in time: one can get up to 4.8 female characters' worth per average break week (or 3.8 female + 1 male) from natural stamina regen alone.

    I'm also currently trying hard to get more DC, and event weeks are better than no-event weeks for that: I'm merely skipping out on each event's Thursdays, but I get to farm the events for DC for the whole week... overall the current and previous event are really good for extra DC farming (assuming you're new and hence not trying for the best possible unit) - although I seem to recall Shiho's event really wasn't.

    Not sure about unit leveling speed, but one should be able to do that mid-event as well off of the surplus charisma, just less efficiently. In the long term one will max everything anyway. At that point the extra gold is only good for basic rolls, while events give you platinum units, silver unit drops, AND level completion SCs.

    Of course with two single week events in a row we'd lose out on the half-day stamina carry-over for the second event, but I'd prefer that to having just half the events the JP version is getting.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Since I'm playing on DMM Aigis for a couple of months now, I could say I'm already used to it. And I do know the sentiments of a newbie/lowbie of having a back-to-back events.

    Honestly, I'm fine without breaks. It's just a matter of "What do you need to do?" and "How appealing this event is for you?" In this case Lynn's event, doesn't appeal that much to me, because of ridiculous stamina cost on the last map, so I sacrificed this day to do the Crystal Keeper.

    As for the two weeks break most mentioned, you can have them through Star Rush/Completion Events. Farming for silver units on such event is just optional if you really need that unit, and since we're going to have the Green Crystal summons, where silver units appeared often (on my first try, I got 50%... 10 draws: 5 silver 4 bronze and 1 iron) that is a more recommended source for CC fodders.

    For lowbies, who wouldn't be able to complete all event maps, I think getting the event unit is enough to participate on a event

  3. #3
    Anonymous Guest
    Back to back is the only way to go. If you're new or unprepared, then sit it out and run dailies, but there is no reason to deprive people who do want to play events from the chance to do so.

  4. #4
    It depends if we get gold rushes and bonus droprate weeks. DMM events system would be just perfect. We don't need a break after every event if we can get double drop rate once a while. It will balance out.

    Besides right now it seems we are at the end of that unit drop events chain. If you look DMM event history we should be pretty close to the moment almost every second event will star event. So we'll get our time without the breaks

  5. #5
    yeah 1 week break to lv up the new unit that you got in last event should be ok
    i still have some 2 odette and 7 shiho lv 30 waiting for platinum fairies to be fused

  6. #6
    Keep them coming. I started playing during the Shiho event and I struggled for a bit, but I was still able to pick her up. So far the event units I have seen have not been very appealing to me. As a new player I have picked them up in case I need them some time down the road but have prioritized doing dailies for gold, affection, and DC.

    Like others have said, during the week prioritize what's more important for you and on the weekend focus on the event. I hope Nutaku keeps it up. Events give you SC and new characters are fun regardless if they fit into your current team.

  7. #7
    Star events are great breaks, no events are bad breaks. You get far more out of a star event than a break. 1-2 days to 3* all maps then the rest of the time is yours to choose what is best.
    No events mean no SC which means less farming of affection or fairys than during a break with no event.
    Its a terrible idea to go all out on every event and a waste of time unless your spending money on it, in which case its irrevelant whether theres a break or not.

  8. Personally I would want a 1 week break at least or a Star Rush event since I've not seen one since I joined at the tail end of Odette's event. I don't mind not getting 5-8 SC's for a week if I could get the time to farm affection items/spirits from the challenge maps.

  9. #9
    Started at Fairy Village Guest
    I'd prefer back to back, if they added a second drop of a fairy, demon crystal, or gift to each map. Have one at the 100% they do now and have a second at like 50% or something. Otherwise I'd like 2-3 days off to use stamina to farm gifts/gold/whatever.

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