Since I'm playing on DMM Aigis for a couple of months now, I could say I'm already used to it. And I do know the sentiments of a newbie/lowbie of having a back-to-back events.

Honestly, I'm fine without breaks. It's just a matter of "What do you need to do?" and "How appealing this event is for you?" In this case Lynn's event, doesn't appeal that much to me, because of ridiculous stamina cost on the last map, so I sacrificed this day to do the Crystal Keeper.

As for the two weeks break most mentioned, you can have them through Star Rush/Completion Events. Farming for silver units on such event is just optional if you really need that unit, and since we're going to have the Green Crystal summons, where silver units appeared often (on my first try, I got 50%... 10 draws: 5 silver 4 bronze and 1 iron) that is a more recommended source for CC fodders.

For lowbies, who wouldn't be able to complete all event maps, I think getting the event unit is enough to participate on a event