Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I spent 100$ on crystals in october to make sure I would AW Miranda and Eterna... and I was close to get all the 4 star challenges done... I'm so so pissed off !!!
What are going to be the compensations? At least give back money spent in october, as said above there are contracts between nutaku and DMM and they must have seen it coming for a while. At least 1 month.
What are the next games closing down, any hint?
Ouch, that sucks. On Nutaku's FB page there are many other paying players who are in a similar situation.

Considering how Nutaku handled previous closures, at best people could expect to get some stuff to play in other games, which is lame from their part.

At this point any game could be taken down. When LoV went down, Aigis was absolutely safe from this, when the next series of games went down in mass, we were told Aigis would be safe, which ended up being a plain lie.

MWA is arguably Nutaku's cornerstone, and much of their present success rested on that game, yet instead of actively engaging the situation and trying to fix whatever mistake was made to get such reaction from DMM (if that's ACTUALLY true), they ask for understanding while they wait for the official closure date. Like, seriously?

If they get away with doing this to a game such as MWA, then every other game is doomed as well, ergo paying customers in the process, as well as long time F2P.

Sorry but I'm not taking excuses from Nutaku. I'm un-subbing, un-liking, un-anything right now, and to hell with new purchases.