I am kind of on the other side on the missing characters; we never had them, so it doesn't really bother me that they are not here. Especially since we're getting at least 1 new character every week currently with these events. Plenty of new characters to invest in / let gather dust.

If there is a specific missing character that people want (such as witches for War of Magic) that's a different matter. It is a specific unit for a specific goal (and should request those explicitly). But just generic "missing characters" doesn't really resonate with me at all.

I'd personally like less RNG. If I could pay 10 cents or 50 cents for an item that raised the chance for a -CR to 100%, I'd probably buy it (something along the lines of "pay a SC, get 2 of these -CR fairies"). You would still need a duplicate of the character to -CR with (eg: If you want to -CR Calliope, you would feed her a Calliope and a -CR fairy for a 100% chance at a CR).

You would still end up using SCs on events for the skill-ups, but this would give a way to save some time and frustration with RNG outside of events on general team building. I've fed so many Pallises to herself and gotten nothing but the first -CR, and it gets really frustrating after a while.