My Wishlist:

1: Sacred Crystals - I Feel that you kinda don't get enough before the next event so I thought of a good way to get more, goes with the Calendar (If you login 7 days in a row you earn 1 Sacred Crystal), (If you login 14 days in a row you earn another 2 Sacred Crystals), (Login in for 21 days another 2 Sacred Crystals), (Lastly Login in the Whole Month and earn another 5 Sacred Crystals) Which will get players a totally of 10 Sacred Crystals with the bonus 5 you get on the Stamp Card that's 15!! but only in you login!

2. About the Weekend there is no Events? So to solve this put past Events as the Weekend Events! Problem solved! (It would really help for the people that missed thos and for the people that were to weak to try

3. More Story? Once people beat it they'll just be stuck with events so adding 1 Story Quest (Every 2 Weeks or Month wouldn't hurt would it?)

4. I Feel like the Mission Quest is missing something (Story Mission, Daily Mission, Urgent Mission, Blank...) If you get what I mean, it should have something I'm just not sure what yet...

5. Class Evolution! - Characters (or just some atm) should have another Class Upgrade! (Like once they upgrade they can do it again!) So I guess make there relationship system go to 150%? (50% Upgrade 100% Upgrade 150%)

6. lol, I'm kidding, I'm not going to ask much more than that for now, So have at least 1 of these would be great! and at least has some sort of thing on Weekends,

Thank you, for making a great game!
