The game is quite good and fun, for my complains and things i think should change are:
1) the amount of gold we get for the nutaku version is lesser than the dmm version, we get around 65% of the amount the dmm versions get
2) charisma should restore at a rate of 1 per 2 minutes not 3 minutes, we get only 20 charisma per hour, if i use it all i have to wait for many hours the further ahead in the story missions i am, and for the events as well
3) we get fewer units than the dmm version, but more copies of the same which is good for evolving a unit or cost reduction or even skill up
4) the rolls with the use of sacred crystals is very low, which makes it a hinder to use the sacred crystals there instead of saving then for events or increasing barracks or getting bonus, the chances of getting a good unit from the 5 sacred crystal roll is not cost effective since its better to improve the units we have than to try and get a platinum or black unit and cost reducing them or skill leveling is recommended even if you spend money on the game
5) there are many more methods to pay for in game content in many other games, which would be beneficial for people that cannot use the methods that are currently in use, (for instance my case, i live in south america, argentina, and using the credit card or pay pal is a problem and not affordable, while many other games allow for the use of paying methods such as rapipago or pagofacil for example, to allow for microtransactions, by using an exchange rate based on the country currency)
6) more units for more strategies and more h-content, concidering that it is just art and not real people the censorship that is being used it looks to hinder the freedom of art and expression of the artist and that of the people to choose what they want to see

Hope this helps somehow, and specially hope for the better payment methods, great game quite fun keep up the good work for more years to come