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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Samyy View Post
    http://harem-battle.club/millennium-...e-warning.html hmm :P i would rather spam tower over watch . the no. of unit drops is a bit high imo .though ur doing nothing wrong. as a personal suggestion i think upgrading your mages should do or zerg copper mages too :P that map needs lot of firepower if ur tank cant handle it.or 2x cced healers with 50cc 40 leanne can tank tht lich :P
    I hope I'm doing okay. I want to get a few more of the Event missions done and I really hope I can make it. through a few so I dont have to put as much work in for a revival event.
    Yeah I got a copper mage to 18 because the guide uses 3 mages and I only had the two. I got both Valerie to 31, and Pallis to 36. I suppose I can put more effort into at least CCing one of them should be doable (I do have a spare Valerie). I think when I played months back I messed up because I don't have a spare healer Dorca, but I have two Iris and two Alissa. Iris is at 50 ready to be CCed.

    Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
    Return to Ruins for exp, Deep Forest Road (or monday daily) whenever you lack gold.
    I can actually do the Monday Daily on normal I found out yesterday. Definately helped with gold.
    Return to Ruins for Hero exp? I know the guide suggests for all other classes. I just really struggled on it, like I am struggling on Castle Retake now

  2. #2
    nooob Guest
    Hey, I'm in a similar situation as you.

    RtR is nice to level your units. It shouldn't be too hard to 3* as long as you have a cc'd archer. Check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6H3uWMhFGc

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by AzureWinter View Post
    I hope I'm doing okay. I want to get a few more of the Event missions done and I really hope I can make it. through a few so I dont have to put as much work in for a revival event.
    Yeah I got a copper mage to 18 because the guide uses 3 mages and I only had the two. I got both Valerie to 31, and Pallis to 36. I suppose I can put more effort into at least CCing one of them should be doable (I do have a spare Valerie). I think when I played months back I messed up because I don't have a spare healer Dorca, but I have two Iris and two Alissa. Iris is at 50 ready to be CCed.

    I can actually do the Monday Daily on normal I found out yesterday. Definately helped with gold.
    Return to Ruins for Hero exp? I know the guide suggests for all other classes. I just really struggled on it, like I am struggling on Castle Retake now
    RtR and that armor mission were some of the initial walls you may encounter after royal road. but RtR is for unit EXP, not prince exp. if you want prince exp just do the highest level map you can (in general) and frankly, prince exp is not a priority until after castle retake because you dont really get great farming maps before that.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
    RtR and that armor mission were some of the initial walls you may encounter after royal road. but RtR is for unit EXP, not prince exp. if you want prince exp just do the highest level map you can (in general) and frankly, prince exp is not a priority until after castle retake because you dont really get great farming maps before that.
    Yeah they were quite difficult. But as of today actually, I three-starred RtR AND 1-starred Castle Retake. Managed to kill everything but the last armour and the Lich, and I misplayed which is why the armour got through.
    Yeah I see. Is it the best for unit exp because it gives the level 14 mages and tanks? Because there's not really any iron or bronze witches, healers, lancers etc then those are the best units to combine with right?

    So the highest level map I can Commission is Tower Overwatch.
    But now I have Dragon Hunting unlocked, the guide mentions it's good for Prince Exp. But wow 37 stamina. I don't want to attempt it yet because I have no idea if I could even make it through that one. There's also Remnant Vanquish 3 (just unlocked), and Armour of the Dead I haven't completed.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by AzureWinter View Post
    Yeah they were quite difficult. But as of today actually, I three-starred RtR AND 1-starred Castle Retake. Managed to kill everything but the last armour and the Lich, and I misplayed which is why the armour got through.
    Yeah I see. Is it the best for unit exp because it gives the level 14 mages and tanks? Because there's not really any iron or bronze witches, healers, lancers etc then those are the best units to combine with right?

    So the highest level map I can Commission is Tower Overwatch.
    But now I have Dragon Hunting unlocked, the guide mentions it's good for Prince Exp. But wow 37 stamina. I don't want to attempt it yet because I have no idea if I could even make it through that one. There's also Remnant Vanquish 3 (just unlocked), and Armour of the Dead I haven't completed.
    yeah because of the level 14 fodder units at only 23 charisma.
    as for dragon hunting and remnant vanquish, check out youtube videos to see if you can clear it. or the beginner thread on the forums here.
    focus on unit exp, prince exp is not that important as long as you try not to waste too much charisma when leveling (i.e. try to level up only on your last bit of charisma, where possible).

    as for commission sortie, the best few you can do is most likely remnant vanquish 3 (when you can clear it) and RtR. if you're able to get your HAT core team (healer archer tank) to 40 or 50CC40 for most of them, as well as a witch, you should be able to clear almost every story mission except for Immortal Beast (42 charisma, right after dragon hunting/remnant vanquish 3). You can forget about IB until you get 3 50CC40 healers at the minimum so it won't be anytime soon.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
    yeah because of the level 14 fodder units at only 23 charisma.
    as for dragon hunting and remnant vanquish, check out youtube videos to see if you can clear it. or the beginner thread on the forums here.
    focus on unit exp, prince exp is not that important as long as you try not to waste too much charisma when leveling (i.e. try to level up only on your last bit of charisma, where possible).

    as for commission sortie, the best few you can do is most likely remnant vanquish 3 (when you can clear it) and RtR. if you're able to get your HAT core team (healer archer tank) to 40 or 50CC40 for most of them, as well as a witch, you should be able to clear almost every story mission except for Immortal Beast (42 charisma, right after dragon hunting/remnant vanquish 3). You can forget about IB until you get 3 50CC40 healers at the minimum so it won't be anytime soon.
    Well I came to edit my post, but may as well reply.
    I just did Dragon Hunting, it was super easy and I three-starred first try. Yes, I do use the guide on the forums for missions as well.
    Well mostly I try to level up so I get a Charisma restore and can do more leveling. Also I just made level 59, so... 5 more levels and I get a better title? That's important to me too, because 'Hero' was a decent boost.

    Well, Daniela is at 50CC26, Iris is at 50, and Leeanne is at 38. I also have Pallis at 50. Witches Calliope at 32, Cloris at 22.
    I am debating CCing Iris. I got another Iris at level 5, two Alissa (one is at 23). Also CCing Pallis - I have a Valerie i the 30's, and I just got a second spare from Dragon Hunting.
    I also have 4 silver Lancer Elaine XD
    So with my current team (also including Katie, Phyllis in high 20's, and Soma at 36) should I start trying the Event quests again? Really want Horus lol

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by AzureWinter View Post
    Well I came to edit my post, but may as well reply.
    I just did Dragon Hunting, it was super easy and I three-starred first try. Yes, I do use the guide on the forums for missions as well.
    Well mostly I try to level up so I get a Charisma restore and can do more leveling. Also I just made level 59, so... 5 more levels and I get a better title? That's important to me too, because 'Hero' was a decent boost.

    Well, Daniela is at 50CC26, Iris is at 50, and Leeanne is at 38. I also have Pallis at 50. Witches Calliope at 32, Cloris at 22.
    I am debating CCing Iris. I got another Iris at level 5, two Alissa (one is at 23). Also CCing Pallis - I have a Valerie i the 30's, and I just got a second spare from Dragon Hunting.
    I also have 4 silver Lancer Elaine XD
    So with my current team (also including Katie, Phyllis in high 20's, and Soma at 36) should I start trying the Event quests again? Really want Horus lol
    well. frankly speaking, I doubt you can succeed with that team if you don't pump up some ranged dps (quickly using some SCs). you need affection on top of levels after all, having cc'd witches + cc'd archers will be quite critical, as leeanne will not really be able to tank the king mummies, so you're likely going to need your ranged dps to be able to take out the mobs before they can run past. You can try though.

    edit: well, leeanne might be able to tank the 1st 50% of the 1st king mummy's hp, but after that you will need to pull her out. and because many of your units are not CC'd yet, they're likely to lack both range and damage (since aff is capped at 50% pre-CC). my understanding is that the 1st 2 maps should not be tough, but the 3rd will be a struggle. after which you'll jump to 6th map wraith soldiers, which should not be too tough, although the lack of ranged slots is likely to suck for you.
    Last edited by soranokira; 12-10-2015 at 02:06 AM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
    well. frankly speaking, I doubt you can succeed with that team if you don't pump up some ranged dps (quickly using some SCs). you need affection on top of levels after all, having cc'd witches + cc'd archers will be quite critical, as leeanne will not really be able to tank the king mummies, so you're likely going to need your ranged dps to be able to take out the mobs before they can run past. You can try though.

    edit: well, leeanne might be able to tank the 1st 50% of the 1st king mummy's hp, but after that you will need to pull her out. and because many of your units are not CC'd yet, they're likely to lack both range and damage (since aff is capped at 50% pre-CC). my understanding is that the 1st 2 maps should not be tough, but the 3rd will be a struggle. after which you'll jump to 6th map wraith soldiers, which should not be too tough, although the lack of ranged slots is likely to suck for you.
    I at least need to be able to get the bare minimum to unlock both units. 12 starts, and 3 missions complete. I wish I had of figured the game out months ago with those two guides and spent time leveling then.
    But as long as I can at least get Horus and hope for a revival event later. I know what I am doing now for the most part

    Edit - And with my current units, should I CC Pallis and Iris? I just worry due to the unit cost increase they will have

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