Except you're assuming things. The fact that i'm willing to skip gold , doesn't mean that i'm willing to skip demon crystals. That being said , i don't understand your weird fixation on saki. She is hardly a high priority.
Also , yes , i agree that garret is a crap unit , but you know what ? I have 1 account with literally only leanne as a main tank. And we both know that most events right now will require at least 2 decent tanks. Garret is crap compared to bernice , but even he is better then nothing.
I can't believe that you're actualy thinking that newbies are better off with 100k gold and 30 dcs (hell , they probably aren't even able to do teh hard dailies for DCs if they are newbies , but let's assume they do) then gold units , no matter how bad those are. Oh , and if we're honest now , the only really bad 1 is probably garret. The rest are at least decent