Quote Originally Posted by Kuremisago View Post
Who to CC first
Typically, you want to CC a ranged unit first (most likely a healer), since they (with a few exceptions) gain bonus range - this is vital for the later maps.
Imo I think the first units you'll want to CC are ones that will help you beat Gold Armor H as that has the best chance of getting a platinum armor which will let you CC other units faster. The strategy I looked up used a CC Katie and CC Leanne, so I did them first. After that maybe CC 2 archers for the magic crystal daily as I think some players might want to start building up that stock sooner than later. And Of course CC Healers are a must have for pretty much all the later maps and events. For the next event (Maribel) you might want some CC mages and witches if you don't have already.

We should also mention the Sacred crystals, and that you should keep a handful around for stamina and charisma restores for events, and if you want to throw them away, the premium roll is the only one that's worth it. The unit odds according to jp wiki are approximately
50% silver
37% Gold
10% Plat
3% Black

while the rare one is
70% Silver
26.5% Gold
3.5% Plat
1% Black

Keep in mind that you may be unlucky and never get anything other than Eunice and Mortimer though. You can also get extra silvers from the 2k gacha (~3.5% so like 1 in 32 rolls) but you really shouldn't rely on it if you are in need of a specific one.