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  1. #1
    Well, let me start by saying I'm glad for the prompt and helpful responses! And yeah, I figured you guys wouldn't be too harsh. My sample size for the forum's reactions to idiocy was 1, and it included FarK, and even he was making me question his wisdom. When I wasn't wondering what the heck he was even trying to say.

    Anyway. My reactions to the answers!

    1: Good to know that my desired units for CC are valid! I seem to have a number of those recommended for CC. I also have a few units from gacha, like Sakuya and Mehlis, that I'd like to CC in due time. To soranokira, I do have to say, I'm pleased you recommend Soma. I want Soma to be useful, but since she presently lags behind Bashira quite a bit in attack power I took her out of active service, but it's good to know she gets better. Maybe it's just the sacred first time, but I'm a bit fond of her. Besides, starting out with 30% affection with her and Alissa is not something I want to waste!

    2) Good to know Crave is apparently a good mistake to make. And hearing about Awakening seems interesting, though I suspect it'll be some time before I could do that, even if we did have it in English.

    3) I see. I'll probably wind up looking up a video - I wouldn't mind doing it by trial and error, but wasting 29 Charsima for each failure is a high cost. That's something I don't like about this game, failures are fairly punishing...

    4) Well, to answer Lafate, box expansions are certainly on my wishlist, but I don't have much of a pressing need for them so that's a bit of a ways off. Despite my love of collecting and my dislike of letting go of units I grow attached to, I've been pretty good about inventory management this game...

    5) Oh? Perhaps yet another reason to see it. Though that gif looks so sinister...

  2. #2

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    as samurai go , sakuya is probably the best samurai we have in the game. Increase attack 4 makes her do a lot of damage , and her aff skill gives damage as well , so it's good. The problem with samurais is their costs , compared to what they are supposed to do : they look like anti zerg/rush units that would be able to clear big mobs fast because they attack multiple units at once , but their costs means they can't be deployed really early when most weaker monsters swarm. They are too expensive to actually be deployed on a map too early, and are at most a niche class. On the bright side , Awakening makes them all quite a bit better

    Mehlis is the best gold mage by virtue of being a female unit and therefore being easier to max aff her. Also decent skill. Probably the best out of the 3 goldies.

    Bashira is a powerfull archer , and it's worth cc-ing asap. Soma might be usefull since u will need 2 cc archers and 2 cc-ed healers to be able to farm the demon cristals dailis on H dificulty. When u have 200 DCs , buy a spica , and between bashira and spica , u will have very good ranged physical offensive.

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by MalusCorvus View Post
    4) Well, to answer Lafate, box expansions are certainly on my wishlist, but I don't have much of a pressing need for them so that's a bit of a ways off. Despite my love of collecting and my dislike of letting go of units I grow attached to, I've been pretty good about inventory management this game...
    While summon could potentially give you something nice. It can also give you nothing at all. Not to mention that it isn't a maybe. You will need to space later.

    I'd suggest either spending 13 or so SC to speed up your leveling process (Damage reduction buff, melee attack power buff, range attack power buff, and +5 UP start, Then after having Dragon Hunting on commission getting Gold and Exp Boost). Then spending the rest of slot expansion


    If you don't mind catching up slows just going slot expansion then second barracks and be done with it.

    Hell I've seen some poeple that had their first, second, and third barracks in addition to their gift second filled with stuff.

    Millennium War Aigis Harem
    Updated: 22/4/2016

    Nutaku ID: 978368 | IGN: Lafate

  4. #4
    @lolix it was my understanding that shizuka is better due to being able to sustain herself better. still, havent got any samurai and dont really intend to use them even if I did. Also, AW does not exactly make them better that much. tanking 3 and attacking 3 is still rather meh. what makes them better is skill AW, but then again that actually changes their role completely, from anti-swarm to duelists for the most part.

    1) The main reason I suggested soma is because she starts off with that 30% affection. overall, her stats at the end will lose to daniela, but in MOST situations you're unlikely to need 2 silver archers; most players go with bashira + spica (obtainable from trading post), and only daniela/soma when a 3rd archer may be needed, which is almost never so far. and considering you have bashira, you can go with bashira for the dmg archer, and soma for slightly longer range (which would, in theory, cover more ground than bashira + daniela's higher dmg skill).
    ^ if above is too confusing, it is faster to max out soma at the start (30% aff advantage), so level soma over daniela is fine.

    2) I wouldnt say it's a good mistake, but it's just not critical enough to destroy you, so to say.

    3) well, that's mostly what players in jp have to do: trial and error. since they don't have a guide like us to follow. but certain maps are just harder and we often are just lazy and will refer to videos to get a rough idea how to pass.

    4) actually, you'll eventually need the box expansion, especially to store up silver units for CC fodder, and fairies for leveling fodder, and stuff like that. especially the recent gold rush, most players who chose to keep iron/copper/silver fairies to level up units during the next Unit Farm event probably stocked like over 40 fairies. I myself only managed 20 due to lack of inventory, but I'm trying to balance spending on box expansion vs keeping SCs for events.

    5) spice & wolf is a rather slice & life-ish anime.

    Mehlis is a good mage to have, while Sakuya should be left alone until your core team is done, IMO.

    edit: just noticed lafate's post. I have a different take on things: Return to Ruins (RtR) is great for exp, and if you're a newbie with the free 20d gold buff, you shouldn't be too hard up on gold. I myself cycled between RtR and Deep Forest Road (commission sorties) when I started in DMM aigis not long ago. You can consider using SCs to speed up leveling, but I might suggest to do so after reaching rank 101 or when the next event starts. now that we have no events in aigis, you shouldnt need to rush to bring your units up to a satisfactory standard.
    Last edited by soranokira; 01-14-2016 at 11:33 PM.

  5. #5

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    I agree with sora. No point in spending scs for buffs. It will be a slower pace , but scs aren't that easy to get if you're not willing to pay for them. Keep them for events/a good batch of premium summons and hope to get 1-2 good units to build a core team. Then again , that's just my opinion

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