So, I really do enjoy this game, but it saddens me that there's a shocking number of things one can do wrong. Very wrong. In order to avoid making any more irrepairable mistakes, I've compiled a list of questions that I presently have:

1. So, I can presently Class Evolve (sorry, but I just can't get used to using the abbreviation CC), which is to say I have the materials for, Katie, Eunice, Leanne, Cypria, Cloris, Iris, and probably a couple others I could Evolve but who I realize I really shouldn't. I can't Evolve all of the above at once, due to material shortages. Now, I've read Lafate's unit ranking, but I'm still not sure who's really useful in the long run - or what drawbacks Evolving them might have, so I'm wondering who of the above is worth it.

2. Related to the above, I'm curious as to what to do with Crave. Before I go further, I am aware how stupid this was, and how this forum reacts to utter stupidity, but I was just testing things with units that didn't matter too much. Back before I read the forums, I tested out Class Evolve on him. At level 30. As I say, I was curious. Anyway, I think blocking 3 units actually made him worse. Suffice to say, since he's at the bottom of Lafate's ranking for Soldiers, I should use him for CE fodder, am I right? Or XP. He'd give 970 to a fellow Soldier. But I guess I should ask, is there any kind of short or long-term hope for him? Should I make the best of a bad choice, or just sacrifice him?

3. I'm on Castle Retake in the story missions, and I just get my ass handed to me. What levels are peoples' units around that time? Or am I just using the wrong strategy?

4. I'm slowly building up Sacred Crystals, but I'm curious - if I get 50, should I spend them all in this month, or in February, to get an improved stamp card the month after? Probably February - 28 versus 31 days, and I do expect to still be playing by then - but I thought I'd ask.

5. Last but not least - what's Lafate's avatar from?

Yes, I'm a bit long-winded, but I'd appreciate input. Thanks!