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  1. #171

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroZet View Post
    ЗЫ. Have you seen the Nutaku main page rotating banner?! It is coming!!! XD
    One can hope at least.

  2. #172

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    >>> i'm a wallet warrior. i give no fucks about the others <<< At least say it as it is.

    1 would assume that if u have so many dc's , you're probably bathing in gold and aff items as well. I can see how that would make 1 bored when you can max units as soon as u get them. And the whole "take a break during events?" that only applies to people that can waste scs during events. Seems a bit hypocritical , considering the fact that you yourself don't to that , and just rely on the huge pool of resources that you got during another break....

  3. #173

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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroZet View Post
    Breaks a GODSEND to any new player. Its their only hope to catch up in any reasonable timeframe (for free). Even for old-timers its a chance to properly level, smother and play-test their new shiny girlfriend, integrating her into their strategies.

    That being said, boosted drops on a break week would be much welcome, but alas, it is not a thing in our version.
    Oh, maybe if we just have events extended for anotheer week (to become two weeks total instead of one), it would satisfy everyone? )

    ЗЫ. Have you seen the Nutaku main page rotating banner?! It is coming!!! XD
    If the game slowed down for every new player that came along, we'd get nowhere.

    And I don't need a week to play-test my new units. I get enough leftover charisma naturally that I can level units during an event.

    Maybe if people didn't feel the need to compulsively max out every unit that they get ASAP, instead of focusing on the ones that actually matter to their team and only working on the rest when they have the spare resources, they wouldn't feel so overwhelmed all the time. Hell, there are still some silvers I haven't even CC'd/100%'d, like Dorca or most of the male silvers, because I know I won't use them.

    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    >>> i'm a wallet warrior. i give no fucks about the others <<< At least say it as it is.

    1 would assume that if u have so many dc's , you're probably bathing in gold and aff items as well. I can see how that would make 1 bored when you can max units as soon as u get them. And the whole "take a break during events?" that only applies to people that can waste scs during events. Seems a bit hypocritical , considering the fact that you yourself don't to that , and just rely on the huge pool of resources that you got during another break....
    "Your opinion should be ignored because you have a distinct advantage over new/free players." kek

    Gold? Yes, because I farmed Dragon Hunting endlessly pre-autocomplete and had exp/gold buff for some time, and didn't bankrupt myself trying to max out every unit. Something a lot of people, new and old, seemed to have missed is that account experience is important. From day one, I focused on leveling my Prince ASAP so that I would have more charisma and stamina by the time the later events rolled around. As a result, I didn't grind the more cost-efficient maps for leveling my units individually, meaning I didn't spend as much, so I have a bigger gold stockpile than others. And here I am. So sue me for being more prepared than the rest.

    Affection? Not really, there's been a fairly steady amount of new girls coming in that Phalanx 2 runs can only cover maxing one or two girls at a given time.

    I haven't cashed this month (though I have the 100 SC stamp card atm). This past event, I only used the SCs I got from three-starring each map for stam refills (and once for charisma for the G map), because I really needed Harissas. Beyond that, I still had plenty of leftover charisma for Immortal Beast farming.

    I know for a fact that plenty of people took breaks on Thursday and Monday. Nothing stopping free players from taking breaks from the event.
    Last edited by Eab1990; 01-26-2016 at 10:04 AM.

  4. #174

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    problem being that some people can't even raise their main team up since they are new.

    And any game that doesn't lowers the entry bar for new players and just focuses on the older player base , will die in time for the pure reason that new players feel overwhelemed and frustrated. If , a browser game that makes most of its money from paying players , doesn't have an low entry bar for new players , it will slowly start to lose player base , since in time , even older players will stop playing (duh , that's the case for most games in general....even more so for browser games. Saw it happen many times before) , and you won't have enough newbies joining to counteract the lose of older players. If that's the case , it will , in time , become unprofitable to keep the servers running , since they don't make enough money , or the playerbase is 2 low

    If you don't understand that , it's pointless.

  5. #175

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    Even underleveled teams* could've taken on the first four maps of this event (not three-star, but enough to clear and get at least one copy of the event unit). Much like any other event. Likewise with the gold rush. And if not, there's always the cheap goddess buffs to give them an edge.

    You're bullshitting yourself if you think that, without breaks, this game locks out new players to a major extent. Again, stop trying to compulsively max out everything ASAP and you won't feel so overwhelmed.

    *underleveled team = high un-CC'd or only CC'd silvers/golds. If you don't have at least a few CC'd silvers, you shouldn't be taking on any event past the first or second map. And you can't be so ridiculous as to think the game needs dumbing down to that extent.
    Last edited by Eab1990; 01-26-2016 at 10:13 AM.

  6. #176
    Unregistered Guest
    Breaks are worthless, i started on dmm during those 6 weeks of nothing on nutaku and now i have 5 AW units and can 2-3* all god tier maps. I spend 0$ for SC so people should start to focus on most needed stuff rather than max out every unit and demand more breaks. <.<

  7. #177

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eab1990 View Post
    Even underleveled teams could've taken on the first four maps of this event (not three-star, but enough to clear and get at least one copy of the event unit). Much like any other event. Likewise with the gold rush.

    You're bullshitting yourself if you think that, without breaks, this game locks out new players to a major extent.
    mate. i had like 10 - 15 total drops in total , with 50%. Doing the first 4 maps ( I doubt they could do "the art of paralyzing" with non cc-ed units anywya , but whatever. let's say you're right) , they would have 27%. Assuming , i'm right , they would have at best 10%. the first and second have 2 and 5%....so literally pointless to even try to farm those

    Still , you're suggeting to run the map a fuckload of times , just to get 1 copy (won't event start ranting how they can't even cc/su said units unless they are very very lucky, and there are a crapload of units that are useless without SU's or too expensive otherwise to deply if non-cr , so literally useless for a new player) , just to waste stamina , and get a bad unit when he's better of farming ? Obviously not. You will say that it's not worth it , and i , as a veteran player , would agree , but a newbie won't know that , therefore getting himself caught into a trap : he will waste a fuckload of resources to get a bad unit that may be situational , or not useful at all , then realize that he invested so much resources on a bad unit , and his team is way too crap to tackle the next event.

    That's a pretty shity way to draw new players into the game

  8. #178

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    Newbies shouldn't be diving straight into an event from the start to begin with. Doesn't mean they're actually barred from it.

    There's a difference between being newbie-friendly and walling newbies from new content. You're suggesting it's the latter and want it to be more like the former. I'm suggesting that it's only the former, assuming the player actually does research (and the player isn't super-unlucky to never get a drop).

    The difference is that making the game too newbie-friendly dumbs down the entire game. If all events were as mind-numbingly easy as the gold rush (sans Bernice's map), we'd have a lot more problems with the fundamentals of the game.

    Btw, I'm pretty sure you're playing down the RNG. I got 10 copies of the event unit solely doing map 4, and on previous events, I know a handful of people who could only afford to farm the lower maps and usually still get by with at least one copy. It's far from impossible, especially if you can run the lower maps twice as much as the higher maps. Yeah, they'll obviously get less copies than if they were able to do the later maps, but getting a single copy over the course of a week? That's not a tall order.
    Last edited by Eab1990; 01-28-2016 at 02:03 PM.

  9. #179
    Even if I was a new player I would agree on having less breaks as it kind of ruins the mood of the game and the way it was originally designed to be played. Just watch the schedule for DMM: when you compare both versions it's clear that Nutaku's lacking in a lot of departments compared to DMM's. However, there are some factors that explain many of these lacks:

    1. The infamous loli debate. Japan is Japan and we are not Japan. The lolis are a delicate issue in (most I would assume) our countries and it is only natural that Nutaku tries to avoid any problems by just not putting them into the game. Some suggestions (I even suggested it a long time ago) include banning the H-scenes for these lolis but I think the major problem here is that this is a game with H scenes and this means that the information could be misunderstood sometimes ("omg there is a loli in here you sickos bla bla"). However, we already have Hina and Shiho in the game. I know they are not the "loliest" of them all but to be honest I do think they became a bunch of lazy asses regarding this issue and it's easier to just "ban" content and move on. Less work for them. And considering Shiho and Hina are already in the game, I'm pretty sure DMM has nothing to do with this.

    2. Japan. That country has a lot of things to offer that other countries simply can't. One of them is this kind of games. The market there is fierce which means developers have to step up and spoil their players in order to keep them from switching to another game. This kind of problem also arose when I played Brave Frontier almost one year ago and it was the exact same problem: the international market for this kind of product is just starting to grow, while in Japan it's already an all-out war between the companies. Yes, Nutaku's version of MWA is inferior to DMM's by a longshot but it's only natural: after all it's nothing more that the offspring of it, living in a much less dangerous world.

    Aside from that, there was a time in this version when the breaks were just unexplainable (the infamous Odette break, I started playing during Echidna's event so I haven't missed that much), but you could easily blame it on the game being on it's first steps and trying to look for a way to grow. That way was found and the events kept happening. However and as far as I can't remember, the schedules have been an absolute mess. Do you want breaks? Sure, I can understand and I'm not against it. But this game has the events planned in a way that some of them require less effort than the others. Many events in this game are farm-based which require a lot of investment if you want not only the unit but a perfect/near-perfect/improved unit (or just some extra silvers or goodies). These events are a great excuse to put a break after them, but having breaks after star events or gold rushes is simply stupid: it stalls the game too much, it bores a good chunk of the players and can lead to some of them quitting.

    The idea of this game is to be f2p for everyone, but if you want to have everything as perfected as possible, you will have to go into the dark side and become a p2w player. Once you have a good team it's possible to go for a near-perfect or a perfect unit without spending anything, but other events such as Len's or Karma's will require to be in the dark path to achieve a perfect success. It's the nature of these kinds of games: some of them are more relentless on this aspect, some of them are less.

    I can understand all that, but the path Nutaku is taking with MWA is simply stupid. There has to be something behind it, some sort of problem because it doesn't make any sense. To hace a Black Friday event with some free SC's and completely forget Christmas/New Year is just plain dumb and it makes no sense from a company pov. They "compensate" us with the fabled gold rush with extra days so we can farm our desired golds to... grant us a pointless break. Yes, some of you will think that it was a good idea with such low fairy rates, but I'm starting to think it was done on purpose to have a reason to put a break after the event (which gave them an effective 3-week time to plan things). They delivered Azami and there is still no Awakening in sight, a feature we should have gotten some time ago judging by the event order (which is also completely botched and I'm not talking only about the loli issue here). Either Nutaku has a real problem with MWA or they are making fun of us.

    Having said all this I enjoy the game because I can play it twice a day most days and be efficient with my resources. Once you pass a certain threshold, the game isn't as time-consuming as it used to be (especially with the inclusion of Comission Sortie, oh the pain these past times without that glorious feature...). However, I think that, if Nutaku are deciding all of this without a good reason to, they will regret it in the near future because people will get eventually bored of the game and move on. I mean, it's not as bad as the first months of the game but they had an excuse back then. Which is their excuse now? They've got to have one!

  10. #180
    Quote Originally Posted by namhoang909 View Post
    well i just almost acted like you until i spent 93 sc for the spotlight, lol
    Uh, Cool? Congrats...? ;<.<

    Quote Originally Posted by Kamahari Akuma View Post
    Admittedly, its an annoying as hell map do deal with.

    More or less it possibly needs capped out healers to keep anything alive, though if you have good units with dodge skills or inherit class abilities it might tip the scales in your favor.

    After all, they can't paralyze what they can't hit. *Rubs 5/5 Skill lv Olivie lovingly*
    It truly is. My two archers (Except Spica whom I just got, and lack enough silvers to CC), Pallis and Katie are the only units I have level capped. Working on my healers and tank now.
    I managed to get 5 extra copies of Azami. But now my unit list is completely full. There's a few extra silvers I dont really need right now, like the silver Lancer, and several silver bandits. When is the best time to combine them to reduce CR and up skills? After CC? And how, do I just combine the one copy of her with nothing else?

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