*Sees it is not Yurina*


*One sedation later*

Considering that Azami is just a plat version of Saki, its hard for me to figure out what to do for this event.

Completionism says to do the event as if there was no Saki in my barracks right now, because even if Azami is a plat Saki, 'technically' it is possibly easier to min cost Azami vs Saki. Assuming your Azami drops (what ones that do come your way, bloody 50/50) don't peter out on you, mincosting Azami is easy to do during the course of this event where in order to mincost Saki you need to shell out over 900 DCs or more depending on your luck to get Saki mincosted.

But cynicism is saying to screw Azami and have one of her around to say "yeah we have AN Azami", but then use all her doubles into Saki for free Skill lvs that saves us the use of Rainbow fairies to do the same albeit with worse odds.

And then we have the silver free farm. Assuming we don't get get jilted out of another event to get her, we can get Kagerou and add her to the never-ending harem at last. Not to also mention its free Sanosuke season as well if you're out for his blood (don't think I didn't notice Sophie's CC requirements).

So to say I'm torn is an understatement. I swear though if I go the first route and she gets mincosted after all my previous farm events after Shiho have failed to do the same, the Dead Sea will be fresh water compared to me.