problem being that some people can't even raise their main team up since they are new.

And any game that doesn't lowers the entry bar for new players and just focuses on the older player base , will die in time for the pure reason that new players feel overwhelemed and frustrated. If , a browser game that makes most of its money from paying players , doesn't have an low entry bar for new players , it will slowly start to lose player base , since in time , even older players will stop playing (duh , that's the case for most games in general....even more so for browser games. Saw it happen many times before) , and you won't have enough newbies joining to counteract the lose of older players. If that's the case , it will , in time , become unprofitable to keep the servers running , since they don't make enough money , or the playerbase is 2 low

If you don't understand that , it's pointless.