Quote Originally Posted by Kamahari Akuma View Post
AW Princesses in a nutshell:

Sybilla - Becomes like a Magic Swordsman during skill use, but without any attack penalties to any ranged attacks.

Olivie - The Princess of The-only-reason-we-can-play-the-song-'Can't touch this'. aka, The Fresh Princess of Dodge.

Sherry - Step 1, focus all your power on the sword. Step 2, unleash that focus and attack up to 5 enemies in range.

Themis - The Princess who realized it was better to be DPS then a Tank.

Lilia - In addition to regenerating HP over time, she clears any negative status condition (not sure how seeing as how paralysis keeps you from activating skills to begin with) and becomes even more tanky.
lilia in that video is only AW'd, not skill AW'd. and she only gets paralysis immune during AW skill. same goes for themis (her skill AW becomes completely offensive-based, but in that video she's still having a defensive skill)

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2* for current DMM event's 100/2 map. tiger stats are 400 atk 300 def and black tiger stats are 700 atk 400 def: (also shows one possible use of necromancer. granted metus has a nice attack after skill up. Metus has skill level 5 and is level 10 in that video)

how to use niche units: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28456891
granted, they're fully AW'd, but when you eventually get to late game and have a large selection of units, you can start thinking out of the box and using niche units (video has avenger, sailors and alchemist, among other things. note that no soldiers were used for UP generation. no archers or heavy used either)

and here's a dragon rider nadia army: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28457441
just another video using multiples of the same unit the way all those full aisha full rikka videos, although some basic core units were still needed in this one.

credit to exk for finding the latter 2.

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again, credit to exk for finding this video on skill AW pippin. for non-dmm players, more details to be found when lafate starts a thread on the latest dmm patch changes (a fair bit was changed with this patch) http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28490312
for a brief explanation, pippin's skill AW changes her into an archer. also, the map is the current subjugation event in DMM. it's ridiculously difficult w/o a solid team of melee units since there's only 3 ranged slots.