for the record, I'd suggest you control your SC spending such that you achieve 50/100/150 before month ends. for the better stamp card. anything exceeding should be saved for future. as well as for charisma/stamina refills for collection events/farm events where you intend to max an event unit and/or farm specific silver units.

for princess, get both. Olivie and sybilla both are good and should be level'd. however, olivie has priority in rainbow fairy when skill up. I'd suggest sybilla first though, because olivie skill reliance is risky before you get it to 5/5.

I suggest getting valerie up before pallis, because valerie has higher base atk ignoring affection and skill, and the fact that he can be used in male-only missions increases his usefulness, and early game you should be struggling with aff items so pallis can take a backseat first.

aim to clear challenge missions up to phalanx 2 (refer to etheternal playlist again, he has one for challenge missions. some of them can be 1* skipped for the sake of rushing to phalanx 2 for most efficient aff farming + plat fairy to cc bashira)

might want to consider putting cloris after bashira as well, in order to clear challenge missions (like backwater 2 and phalanx 2 itself which needs mikoto + cloris probably)

refer etheternal guide again for upcoming monday: begins in 3.5h as of this post. I suggest keeping charisma/stamina for it, as well balancing leveling and farming monday daily (I myself used SC on charisma refill, then used up excess charisma on monday daily before leveling when I started new in DMM Aigis a month before)