Bashira gets a huge range increase with CC, triple shot, and at 100 affection she gets a total of +120 attack. Currently my Bashira is 100%AP, 50CC31, and has 410 attack. With triple shot, she can even take out heavy armored enemies pretty easily, especially with high prince buff. Very much a worthwhile character imo, but I'm also the guy who has literally -only- Bashira CC'd, with everything else being pre CC (Tomorrow I should have Katie CC'd, and after that probably Azami, that event ninja)

According to wiki, at max level, Bashira at 50CC70 should have 461 attack, + whatever you have for your prince buff which will fairly easily put her over 520 damage if you've got the Hero title. Activating triple shot with 520 damage is insane, and the range increase makes her a crazy threat.