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  1. #1

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    Aug 2015
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    depends. she got decently high base damage since shes a barb. Ofc she cant compare with the valks u named (i also got tethis btw on the same account , but shes not leveled yet) , but she is a very defensive duelist. Magic damage ? She can tank a bit with her mr that no other barb has+ has way higher health pool. Physical damage ? She can tank a bit + has a skill that reduces % damage for all your team which is awsome

  2. #2

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    Aug 2015
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    u do realize all 3 liches focus the same target ? A witch won't tank liches in Imortal beast. Best place your princess last and in range to act a lightning rod for the liches , while your other units kill everything else. If you have enough heal to keep both the princes healthy (u will need at least 1300-1500 heals on her alons since she will take lich aggro and will probably block something as well + heals for the rest of the team. Hell , u could actually place 4 -5 healers and just cut of 1 of the mages. 1 account did it with only 1 mage and solano.

  3. #3
    Eunice is used in most JP "Basic Units" clear videos that require a duelist. His high HP lets him bloodwall most damage as long as you have the healing to support him. And high physical attack is the closest you'll get to ignoring def completely.

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