Akane is always nice to have if you have spare DCs.

Cyrus? Only if you are desperate for a mage higher than silver rarity and your premium rolls weren't approved by the luck goddess. Does he suck as a gold mage? Yes, but he does get access to Splash Attack II which is decently better than its rank I version from my experience.

Spica is not an option, she is a requirement to have. Amongst Archer units, she is second to Nanaly with her naturally high attack power and with Awakening on the horizon her use increases since she buffs all other Archers damage.

Saki is not a big priority, but its good to have her for ranged assassinations from a melee slot. Plus its a Black unit that doesn't require luck to get, just pure dedication to Thursday dailies.

In the case of new units coming to TP? Only if and when the devs decide to do just that. If they do plot on doing it

I wouldn't put it past them to change TP once Awakening hits, AW Spica is too good for this sinful world

I'm hoping for Chydis to come back, since by now some people should have or will have the resources for a decent plat healer unit.