So I just made a new dmm account on JP and got a VPN for the nutaku

DMM: Finished tutorial, rolled a 10 roll from the 40 courtesy magatama. Received 1 5* (Christmas Hideyoshi). Had 52 magatama inside gift box on a new account created, rolled again and got another 5* because 10 rolls are guaranteed 1 5* no matter what. 12 magatama left over
Speed/Auto given from the getgo

Nutaku: Finished tutorial, rolled the 10 roll. 4 4* and 6 3*... Because that guaranteed 5* effect is a separate 70 magatama gacha instead of being implemented into the normal gacha system LIKE IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE. No magatama left over
Auto is given for free at level 40 and speed is at level 50.

I also vaguely remember the half stamina for dmm being like level 30 or 50 while nutaku is 15.

JP devs success because their game basically says it's ok to be a free player. Nutaku punishes and piles crap on you for not paying them money