God Mitsuhide (Leader with 20% less damage taken from fire enemies)
20% boosted god Ieyasu
20% boosted god Benzaiten
God Shuten Douji <-(Because I don't have another 6* Water type and I thought the damage boost would help)

Evolved Ieyasu for support.

All maxed out in level and stat.

The boss snake near the end decided to crit me for something ridiculous like 10k (or was it 14k?) damage on my Shuten and instant killing.

Name of the video on youtube to someone beating this on DMM server is called "Sengoku Providence: Nāgarāja Event v2" <-because I can't post links.
Apparently title of the video says V2, wonder if it's a nerfed version and he had to do it with all characters boosted.

I read some guided advice on this event and apparently a God Nene is pretty much a must (because of the double healing) in a comp for this along with an additional healer (like god Mitsuhide) and a reviver just in case (like evolved Mitsuhide).
And all of them have to be water or else you simply have no chance of withstanding the attacks let alone heal it back up for sustain.
Yeeeahhh... I'm sorry but no... I don't have enough Senki points to buy a Nene and with only 1 day timer given to this... not happening.