Quote Originally Posted by Eversor86 View Post
Thats gacha with only 5*, you pay 280 paid magas to get 10 5*. Thats 28 paid magas per a 5*. You decide if 28 per single 5* is better than higher numbers like 40 paid magas per 10 pull that has a 5* guaranteed and 9 other girls can be 3* or 4* or 5* if you lucky.

There are limited single use 40 free magas gachas in limited section, and same ones in normal section that cost 60 and are probably multiple use ones. So with your 280 magas, you can spin the limited 3 ones for 120 and get 3 guaranteed 5* and 27 other girls 3* to 5* if lucky. And you will have 160 left - so get 20 more and you will be able to spin 3 times more the 60 magas ones.
I've already spun the Festival single use 40 (getting Oda Nobunaga and Houju Ujiyasu). I didn't think that the other guaranteed 5*s were worth it compared to the 5* only gacha.

I just don't like that the 5* doesn't advertise that you need paid Magatama for it. It's at least $120 for that no thanks.