Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hey does anybody here actually knows how the matchmaking or whatever the hell is used on GvG on this game works? Cause I just got in a match with my "one army man" guild against all top 10 guilds....i dont really care, but i just want to get the damn medals to get those 5* senki, but the way things are going I am just getting insta obliterated lol How the "Surrendering" stuff works? Do I really will be unable to play for the rest of the match? Can I recover from this state? I mean, to me this just look like a bad desingn, maybe it works if you consider that every guild have 100 active players, but its not the case, you just get overpowerded in the first seconds lol

I think if you pray for defense it recovers your team. Not sure though if that happens everytime. Bit yeah the matchmaking looks to bei completely random.
I think there is matchmaking but only within a given rank of guilds. Given that your guild has to be almost completely afk to be in the lower ranks, even one person guilds end up in the same pool as the top ones.
And yes, prayers can recover a team, or recover you from surrender. Not sure how many though. If you're a one person guild going up against a top 10 there's not much you can do. 4-5 people and you can staunch the bleeding but that's all.

Quote Originally Posted by vysethevaliant View Post
After the closure of quite a few Nutaku games, I have a feeling that SenPro is next on the chopping block (whenever they get around to their next batch of closures). The game had a rough start and, given the amount of people that are active in GvG as well as their social media (not to mention it being ranked pretty low consistently on Nutaku's main page), I can't see this game making it past another six months.

Thankfully, I haven't put any money into it (the paywall early on pushed me away), but I would be sad to see it go. I do enjoy the art, and will continue to play it casually. I hope I'm wrong, I really am. I'm just not overly confident in the future of this game. :/
I'm not sure how the population is and agreed on the rough start, etc. I like the game itself and it has become much more F2P friendly but yes its certainly possible its too little too late. I think the updated GvG awards are to try to spur more activity there, and the generosity of the rewards in SenPro compared to the other games for players moving from a closing game is not a bad sign, but allI can do is keep my fingers crossed.