The game seems promissing. Still it is kind of glitchy sometimes. During few battles I just couldnt move the maidens no matter what. Using abilities which you need to place on the ground also needs some adjusting. Sometimes it just doesnt do anything.
Free gacha seems decent enough. Drew some blues and purples out of there during the 4 weeks or so I am playing this game.

What I would change/improve though is:
1) increase the energy limit by a lot. Seriously you are wasting energy left and right unless you can play whole day because the storage is full in less than 3 hours at the beginning
- around 60 should be the base amount and +10 every level from there on.
2) skill points storage the same story, 10 base amount and +3-5 every level
3) make an additional 4 slots for maidens who will not fight but still gain experience. Pretty much every game which has lots of character that you need to level up have this system. Right know it
is pain in the ass to level up new maidens as you always need to have some strong ones and then the new ones so you can beat higher levels and level faster which will create disparity in
your team in terms of levels