FYI this is the 2nd maiden event.

The first one, (x-mas) was way too easy. I was able to get all 3 maidens even though I was only able to play for like the 2nd half of the event, due to travelling to visit relatives for x-mas. I expect people able to play the entire event (not even no-lifing) got all the maidens and all the equipment.

The second one was way too hard, and not really worth even trying. (I think I stopped after the first day when I tried 2 times on a map and failed w/ my best guys, not sure what level, IIRC 2 of 'em were 60, other 2 in the 40's?) Thankfuly, the rewards also seemed pretty bad, so I didn't particularly care.

This one is *maybe* just a smidge towards too difficult. I think (after the changes) I'm on track to pick up Ophelia with almost 2 days to spare (I'm at 450 arrows), particularly now that you can play on your phone. Though I'll admit the nudity on the splash screen makes starting it up at work problematic. (tons of pointless meetings and such where most of the team is on their phone doing games waiting for it to start, so no issues for me in THAT regard anyways)

I'd argue it should be designed such that pretty much everybody should be able to get the event maiden. "No-lifers" should be able to additionally pick up some of the ancilliary rewards (perhaps non-event maiden). Whales should be able to pick up everything.

And this event doesn't seem to be too far off that target. (perhaps a bit TOO difficult to get the event maiden for the newest players who simply can't finish the maps... grind point for event maiden should have been halfway point, grind point for other maiden at the end.)

(I will say, the whole "1 purchase per day" of the random event mats, matched with the random nature and the phased roll out of maps is entirely stupid. You have no way to gauge whether you're likely to fall short until the event is halfway over, and even then you have no idea if what you get even if you do start buying will be enough to get you there. It's practically asking you not to risk it) It should either be random *or* limited, limited *or* phased roll out of the maps.