Quote Originally Posted by Hentaika View Post

Also: how do you check skills of heroes you don't have? o-o Or do you know billie's one just because you have her and you can't check any in general outside of seeing enemy do it?
I do have Billie. She stun in an aoe for 0,3s + 0,2s*skill level (+damage, but the scaling is bad like all damage skills). Basically, the skill is lvl 8 right now, she stuns in an aoe for 1.9s. Max level, It will be over 4s stun. The CD is the same than the heal.
Quote Originally Posted by Hentaika View Post
How did you get so many heroes anyway? o-o Did you never get duplicates from 30/60 and got lucky enough to get a legendary hero from the only 500 draw that is realistically possible right now? o-o As it is - I had a duplicate from level 30.. and I assume lvl 60, which I will soon get will be duplicate as well, because it's probably rigged to be so. The 500 draw which I am very close to as well might become a legendary maiden, but knowing my luck - it will be an item which I won't be able to use because it's for a maiden of class I don't have.
I usually do another account for each of the new nutaku release. I get 100 base gold, I do 5 self referals for 500 aditionnal gold, and I usually bother for the first tier of the puzzle. 700 free gold = 700 gems. Was able to do 2 legendary draws, got a pair of shoes (I can't even use them) and Billie. The lvl 30 random maiden was also a dupe for me (but someone got Micah from it), and I got Coral at lvl 60.
Quote Originally Posted by Hentaika View Post
Btw - does the cooldown reduction work at all? It never displays on the profile of maiden, so I suppose it's bugged at that point in the game, but never got a decent amount of it to actually check if it works or not. As it is right now - the higher on the list of item is cooldown reduction the worse the item is in general for me.(the higher the stat is on the item - the bigger it is in general for same rarity, so 3rd stat has much less impact than 1st one and it's only on legendary anyway)
According to devs, the CDR is not displayed, but works properly. However, the bonus we have now are so small (usually 1 or 2%) they are not noticeable.