Have a 10k dur Tiger. Works fine with Commander buffs up until 3.2 - 3.3 after that it gets sticky.
But then, it is for 5* tanks not the 4* stuff all other games throw out. So fine with that. Risk vs. Rewards = good. Works out.

AB needs better gameplay to make it more enjoyable for longer play sessions, yes. But some people are behaving as spoiled.

Game hands out 5* and immediate the ol' chorus gets going - my lvl20 3/4* team cannot get a fully skilled and working at one damn copy 5*. No shit? Any other game where that happens too? All of them for example? Or did Aigis suddenly hand out our their farmable 5* at full skill and lowest cost at 300 points instead of whaling for 1100+ points over 2 weeks?

And the commander level thing. It is wrong as it is now and it is wrong for them to fix it O_o. It is good that they listen and want to fix it. Their problem is that they tell things at really odd times (in an event) and odd places (tickets instead of front page). They are being too nice. Which should be a good thing, but this is the internet, so yeah ...

Problem : People cant get 5* due to whatever.
Fix : Introduce a 4* Event tank.

Because the gatcha rolls at 3k points, which are as good as other games event rewards in itself, are not registering, at all, at people. Need something flashy and desirable at say 60k instead of a huge bundle of goodies and say elite at 90k. Insane of course, because that bundle is worth waaaaaaaaaaay more than a 4* whether Elite or not. But hey, that's how humans work. More PR to make things desirable, less real rewards.

Problem : Commander scaling
Fix : Spam less 5*s now at tile 3 and a bit less at tile 4. Next event do fixed levels tile 1 to 4 and add a 5th tile for fanatics, farmers with hard boss fights and an ultra boss at last tile.