I've been reading this thread with great interest and like all of you I found the difficulty scaling broken. I couldn't beat the third hex at the start of the event at lvl 16, which at the level I was at the time made sense, however, I'm now at LVL 28 and my tanks still gets totally wipe out, 12 levels later and I'm no further ahead than I was at the start. Which is vexing as I can beat the 2nd hex tile very easily.

Anyhow, I read that they may make some changes mid-event to correct the issue, however, some say it's to late for that they won't get the awards anyways, while people who bought things with gems would feel gypped if the bar is suddenly lowered. I think the best way they could move forward at this point is to fix the issue for the next event and maybe in the meanwhile a happy medium would simply be to add a week to the event. This would give a better chance for people to get the 5S, while at the same time making them work for them rather than lowering the bar. For those who are more experience or spent money on the event, they'd still would benefit from the exchanges they can make with their extra event points. Also the company would likely make more money by extending the event as well. I think everyone would win under these circumstances.

With that said, I was new at the game when the event began, however, with dedication and a lot of planning and calculations I'm on track to get both of the 5s even if no changes is made.