Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
And anyone experienced when you join a raid room, even when there's only 2 of you and you're yet to ready, then suddenly the game starts and there's 4 of you? Already experienced this 3 times.
The primary reason to "Ready" is to close out the room if you think the leader has fallen asleep, or disconnected or something. The leader can kick off the fight at any time regardless of whether or not you have clicked "Ready", however once everybody has clicked "Ready", the leader only has ~10 seconds to start the fight or everybody gets kicked out of the room. (Note: It doesn't always seem to start the countdown, It's possible it detects window focus, or mouse movement, or somesuch.)

As I've said. The only reason to "Ready" is to close out the room. If there aren't many on and it's taking you 5-10 minutes to get a full party, the last thing you should want is to have the room close out because the leader took longer than 10 seconds to notice there were finally 4 people. (Maybe he went to get a drink or something.)

(Note: it doesn't *hurt* to ready for a few seconds when you first get into the room just to let the leader know you don't need to change characters. But again, if you let everybody stay ready for ~10 seconds, the room will usually close out on you.)