It is time friends. Now judge our beauties on their true power!

Strengthen Attack III: 80% Attack increase for 35s| WT: 16.7; CT:25
White Witch's Banquet: 100% Attack and Range increase for 30s| WT: 50; CT: 75

Strengthen Range: 70% Range increase for 25s| WT: 20; CT: 30
Assault Familiar: 40% Attack and Range increase for 30s| Attack is now AoE| No longer slows| WT: 33; CT: 45

Magic Enhance: 30% Attack increase and 10% Range increase for 60s| WT: 40; CT: 60
Extreme Cold Holy Night: 30% Range increase for 25s| Attack Speed increase| WT: 30; CT: 45

Strengthen Attack IV: 90% Attack increase for 45s| WT: 12.5; CT: 25
Freezing Wave: 60% Attack increase for 35s| Attack is now AoE| WT: 22; CT: 45

Strengthen Range II: 70% Range increase for 25s| WT: 15; CT: 30
White Witch's Banquet: 100% Attack and Range increase for 30s| WT: 37; CT: 75

Freeze Spell: 60% Attack increase for 20s| Slow increased| WT: 17.5; CT: 35
True Freeze Spell: 70% Attack increase for 20s| Slow increase| WT: 20; CT: 40
Lafate's note: I'm not sure if the Slow increase is bigger between the two skills or not.

Strengthen Attack IV: 90% Attack increase for 45s| WT: 12.5, CT: 25
Lunatic Thorn: 30% Attack increase for 20s| Attacks up to 3 enemies| Skill automated| WT: 10; CT: 20

Strengthen Attack IV: 90% Attack increase for 45s| WT: 1; CT: 25
Cocytus: 70% Attack increase and 25% Range decrease for 30s| Attack Speed increase| Area of Effect Attack| WT: 5; CT: 45