1. DP
  2. March Hare



Stats & Details


Cost: 12Growth Type: Precocious
LevelPhys. ATKPhys. DEFMag. ATKMag. DEF
+ Max8,3375,7276,5257,612
++ Max8,5615,8816,7007,816
+++ Max8,6955,9736,8057,939
Whoa, a Human! Do you want to play with me?

A rabbit formed Mythical beast. The hare is very upbeat and friendly. She has the talent to befriend anybody, and often makes the mistake of being hyper active and overly talkative.
Obtain From

Related Arcanas
Arcana Star March Hare,
Summer Maiden March Hare


Front LineDouble Edged Blade Wind
TP Consumption 20Single unit uses 1 times
Inflicts damage to 2 enemies, while also slightly increases Physical ATK of all surviving ally frontline. Effect increases as player level becomes higher.
[Attack][2 Enemies][All Ally Frontline: Physical ATK Increase][1 Time]
Rear LineWind Shout
TP Consumption 5Single unit uses 5 times
Minor increase to parameters for 1 surviving Front Line ally. Power increases as level rises.
[Support][1 Front Line Ally][5x]
SupportWind Surge
TP Consumption 0Single unit uses No limits
Set chance of reducing parameters for 1 enemy slightly. Power increases as level rises.
[Set Chance][1 Enemy][Reduction]

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