1. DP
  2. Red Cap



Stats & Details


Cost: 14Growth Type: Normal
LevelPhys. ATKPhys. DEFMag. ATKMag. DEF
+ Max
++ Max
+++ Max
Anyone who stands in my way shall be thrashed to pieces.

Red Cap is a blood thirsty fairy that murders anyone in sight. She is said to appear in locations that was bathed in blood from homicide. Red Cap is proud and stubborn, and will slay anyone that can potentially harm her. She believes in annihilation of humans since they are weaker than Arcana, but does not know why she thinks so. Though she is attracted to you, she act before she gives any though due to her aggressive personality.
Obtain From


DP:Shadow Claw
Rear LineSuper Wind Arrow
TP Consumption 15Single unit uses 1 times
Does major damage to all enemies. Power increases as level rises.
[Attack][All Enemies][Critical][1x]
SupportFocused Strike
TP Consumption 0Single unit uses No limits
Set chance of slightly increasing damage from attacks. Power increases as level rises.
[Set Chance][Self][Attack Damage Increase]

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