1. DS
  2. Frigate Ashleigh

Stats & Details

Frigate Ashleigh

Max lv70

Max HPMax OffenseMax DefenseMax Agility

Did you come here to play ? Oooh, I'm very happy ! Alright... Which teddy bear would you like ?
Hehehe, you want to play again ? I'm very happy... these kids are happy too. Isn't that right ?
I know this is a bad thing to say... but I want you to be mean... Did that put you off ?

How to obtain
"Special maneuver! Frigate Battle!" - Event


PassiveNew Gate
Extreme increase in own Agility, Moderate reduction in the Agility to 3 enemies

Initial SkillSword Dance (Major)
Deals major fire-type damage to 3 enemies

Awaken SkillSmile of Captivating
Deals moderate fire-type damage andmajor reduction in the Agility to 3 enemies

H-Scene Preview (NSFW WARNING)

Scene 1

Scene 2

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