1. DS
  2. Lotte

Stats & Details


Max lv70

Max HPMax OffenseMax DefenseMax Agility

Can't you see that I'm reading? Leave me alone...
I've... I've never really done anything other than reading... What's that? Don't you know that knowledge is more important than anything else?
Wh... Where you watching!? What's that face for! I don't care if you think I shouldn't be reading about a demon finding pure love!

How to obtain
Previous Event


PassiveKnowledge From A Book
Major reduction in the offense of 5 enemies

Initial SkillWater Impact (Major)
Deals major water-type damage to 3 enemies

Awaken SkillDemon Whispers
Reduces the HP of 1 enemy to zero (Accuracy: 40%)

H-Scene Preview (NSFW WARNING)

Scene 1

Scene 2

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