1. DS
  2. Muriel

Stats & Details


Max lv80

Max HPMax OffenseMax DefenseMax Agility

Who is disturbing the order? You?
Since I'm here, I won't tolerate any undisciplined way of living.
If you want my power, first you must live a life without shame.
This should be easy for you, shouldn't it?
My... My feeling is... I'm not sure if it's really pure and true...
No, it's nothing. I'm talking to myself

How to obtain
Special Gacha


PassiveContract Angel
Extreme increase in the Offense to 3 water-type allies/Extreme increase to own Offense and Agility

Initial SkillWater Impact (Extreme)
Deals extreme water-type damage to 3 enemies

Awaken SkillRigid Discipline
Moderate increase in the Offense and Agility/Deals extreme water-type damage to 3 enemies

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