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"Challenge other players in harem performances!"
Combat (known in-game as "Performance") is a key mechanic in the game that appears in a majority of game features. Officially as a game feature and all its incorporated aspects for team building, combat is referred to as the "B.D.S.M." system which stands for: Battles, Development, Strategy, Mechanics. Battle is one of the main points of the game and uses for your guys after collecting them. Additionally, it works as a good way to farm certain resources and a major way to obtain new guys for your harem. No matter where you go in the game to fight, combat is rather the same in principle with certain features only adding certain twists in how you go about it. Essentially, all battles work by going back and forth chipping away at each others Ego (HP) in an auto-mated battle that carries out on its own the moment you hit the button to start a fight. During such fights, you (the attacker) will always strike first against your opponent.

The in-game lore for combat is that a judge oversees you & your opponent each having competitive sex with your respective team of guys and judging who has sex better. Hence why battles are referred to as "performances" instead, as you are effectively performing for a judge. However, judges as a mechanic during battles have since been rendered obsolete and removed from the battle system.

Battles across the game all follow the same core rules and systems, except when it comes to fighting against Champions, which use a different battle system and mechanics though share some of the same stats. The rules for battles against Champions are mostly covered on their own page.

Battle Team:
The ability to participate in battles is unlocked once you obtain Red Battler through the game’s story during the Begin City scroll "Main Street" as you need a minimum of 3 guys in your harem to form a team (Bunny, Gary, & Red Battler by default) and cannot participate in any form of PvP or PvE with less. In total, you may have up to 7 guys on your team at a time, and once you equip more than 3 you are unable to remove any to have less than 7 without making a new team if you have any empty slots.

You can change your team to any other selection of guys you have obtained by selecting the button under your stats in the pre-battle screen. During a fight, your guys will cycle through a relatively set order during an animation that looks as if they’re taking turns to attack the opponent. This order goes by the slot order in which they’re placed on your team, starting at the center slot, proceeding to the top most, and then moving clockwise. However, this order is irrelevant in terms of team building and is purely for aesthetic purposes of the battle animation as the stats of all members of your team are calculated together as a whole and function as a single unit in terms of team composition.

Depending on the Elements of the members of your team, your team will receive certain stat bonuses and will be assigned a certain Elemental affinity as a team. By default (having any general mix of guys), this will be "Balanced", though having 3 or more guys of the same Elemental type will cause your team to take on a corresponding Element as a team allowing them to gain certain synergy benefits against other teams. If you have 3 guys of one Element and 3 guys of a second Element, your team will have both Elements for its affinity. More about Elements, stat bonuses, and their benefits is detailed below under the Elements section.

You are allowed to create and save multiple teams which you can freely switch between at any time by opening the menu to edit your team. 6 teams may be saved for free, however with the purchase of a Monthly Card this number will be extended based on the tier of Card you purchase. A Silver Card will give you an additional 2 team slots for a total of 8, Gold Card will allow a total of 10 teams, and Platinum will allow you to save up to 13 teams. The team selection/editor menu will label these teams using the icon of the guy in the center position of the team’s layout and display the team’s Element. Clicking on a team will show all 7 members and the team’s stats on the right side of the screen.

Stats are divided into several key fields as follows:
- Hardcore - Charm - Know-How
- Damage - Defense - Harmony
- Ego - Endurance

Hardcore (HC), Charm (CH), and Know-How (KH) are the 3 core stats that form the foundation for all other stats. Each harem guy as well as the player themselves are assigned an affinity for one of these three. The one your player account has as their specialty (primary stat) will be used to factor your Damage & Endurance stats, while the two you are not proficient in are used to factor your Defense & Harmony.

Which stat is your primary is assigned randomly upon creating your account, but can be changed from your profile page. The first change is free, but any subsequent changes will cost 300 kobans. Your main or primary stat is the one shown beside your name in the battle menu. Which of the 3 this is doesn’t matter aside from which one is used to calculate which stat and you are free to chose whichever one you want for your main stat for whatever reason you want. There is no benefit for picking a specific one.

Depending which stat is the primary will also determine which one is your secondary stat and which is your tertiary. Which is which for these 2 largely doesn’t matter aside from how many points you gain for each when you level up. Though how the secondary & tertiary ones calculate into other stats will almost always combine the two, so it doesn’t entirely matter which is higher.

Each time you level up, you will gain a small number of points to each of these stats (9 to primary, 7 to secondary, 5 to tertiary). Additionally, they can be raised through equipment or by buying extra stats in the Equipment & Booster shops of the Market by clicking the "+" button next to your displayed stats in the area displaying your equipment. You can only buy each of these stats 30 times per level.

For guys, these 3 stats are calculated individually as follows:
[Base Stat] x [Level] x (1 + (0.3 x [Affection Rank])) = Stat

Damage, is your attack stat and determines how much damage you will deal against an opponent in combat each time your guys make an attack. It is factored using all of the guys in your team collectively (totaling all of their stats together: HC + CH + KH for each guy then all guys’ totals added together), while also adding in your own account’s primary stat.
Formula: [Primary stat] + ([Sum of all guys’ stats] x 0.25) = Damage

Defense is, as implied, how much defense you have to work with to be able to block your opponent's incoming Damage each time that one of their guys attacks. This is calculated using your secondary & tertiary stats as well as the stats from your guys added together in the same way to how their contribution toward Damage is calculated.
Formula: (([Secondary stat] + [Tertiary stat]) / 4) + ([Sum of all guys’ stats] x 0.12) = Defense

Endurance and Ego work rather hand in hand and function as your HP stat. Endurance is mainly used as a base foundation for such mostly using the player’s own stats and equipment. Additionally, you will receive a small amount based on the total level of all members of your harem (whether on your battle team or not). This number and the provided boost are shown at the top of the harem menu.
Formula: (4 x [Primary stat]) + (50 x [Square Root of Harem Level]) = Endurance

Ego is then your actual HP stat used in battle, which is factored by using your Endurance stat & the stats of the guys on your team calculated together. This can be raised further with boosters, but otherwise cannot be raised directly and is only raised by proxy of strengthening the Endurance stat.
Formula: [Endurance] + ([Sum of all guys’ stats] x 2) = Ego

Harmony is a special form of stat that functions differently for Champion fights as opposed to normal fights. This is the only stat with an entirely different functionality depending on game mode. For normal battle, this stat acts as a critical chance stat. This is determined solely by your own stats & equipment with the guys on your team not influencing it in any way.
The formula for the stat itself is: ([Secondary stat] + [Tertiary stat]) / 2 = Harmony

To determine your chance to trigger a critical hit, use the below formula:
30% x [Harmony] / ([Harmony] + [Opponent’s Harmony])

For Champions, Harmony functions to trigger a special ability instead of a critical strike. What ability triggers is dependent on the main specialty stat of the guy in rotation at the time the ability triggers. In use, it works starting with a flat 50% that is then divided between you and the Champion percent wise based on how your Harmony stats compare. The amount allotted to you is then your percent chance to trigger a special.

The types of specials are as follows:
  • Hardcore - "Wild Burst": Deals an attack with 1.5x normal damage.
  • Charm - "Narcissism": Your defense is doubled against your opponent's next 2 attacks. If this triggers consecutively, it will stack for x4 defense.
  • Know-How - "Reassurance": On your next attack, you will heal for 10% of your max Ego.

In addition to the normal affinities of Hardcore, Charm, & Know-How, each guy in the game is assigned one of 8 Elemental types which factors in for a variety of key points for your guys and building teams with them. Each of the 8 Elements is denoted by a different color icon and are as follows:

- Dom - Playful - Physical - Exhibitionist
- Eccentric - Sensual - Voyeur - Submissive

Additionally, there is a ninth Element icon that is used for a team's element affinity. The use for this one and how Elements work with teams is explained below under the Domination Scheme section.

- Balanced

Domination Scheme

Having 3 or more guys of a single Element on your team will then cause your team to be assigned that Element as well. If you have 3 guys of one Element and 3 guys of a different one, your team will be assigned both Elements. If your team is made up of a mix of a guys with less than 3 of any Element, then your team will be denoted as having no particular affinity and labeled as Balanced and marked with a rainbow icon. Depending which Element(s) your team has an affinity for will entitle you to certain boosts when fighting teams of certain other Elemental affinities known in game as the "Domination Scheme" which works in a sort of rock-paper-scissors style fashion. If your team is Balanced style, then it will not receive any boosts against an opposing team, and likewise opponents will not have any boosts against you.

Dom, Submissive, & Voyeur each grant +20% Critical Hit Chance when fighting a respective opposing one.
The boosts follow: Dom boosted against Submissive > Voyeur > Dom

Eccentric, Exhibitionist, Physical, Playful, & Sensual each grant +10% Damage & +10% Ego when fighting a respective opposing one.
The boosts follow: Eccentric boosted against Exhibitionist > Physical > Playful > Sensual > Eccentric

Synergy Bonus

Additionally, each Element will grant a "Synergy Bonus" in the form of a percent based boost to a specific stat in battle based on the number of guys you have obtained for your harem, and a further boost for the number used in your team. These boosts will cap out individually and you will no longer gain boosts from additional guys that join your harem after obtaining 100 guys for a given Element. You can check the bonuses granted to you by clicking on the Element icon under your team in the pre-battle screen.

Dom+ Damage%
[Guys on Team] x 2%
[Guys in Harem] x 0.07%
Playful+ Decrease Opponent Defense%[Guys on Team] x 2%
[Guys in Harem] x 0.07%
Physical+ Critical Chance%
[Guys on Team] x 2%
[Guys in Harem] x 0.07%
Exhibitionist+ Ego%
[Guys on Team] x 3%
[Guys in Harem] x 0.1%
Eccentric+ Critical Damage%[Guys on Team] x 10%
[Guys in Harem] x 0.35%
Sensual+ Heal on Hit%[Guys on Team] x 3%
[Guys in Harem] x 0.1%
Voyeur+ Harmony%[Guys on Team] x 2%
[Guys in Harem] x 0.07%
Submissive+ Defense%[Guys on Team] x 2%
[Guys in Harem] x 0.07%


Each guy is additionally assigned a "Style" listed in their character bio information. What is listed here is automatically filled by the game and determined as a combination of the guy's Element and their main stat (Hardcore, Charm, or Know-How). Therefore, it is functionally more of a battle stat as opposed to a biographical detail or something relating to the character. However, it serves no actual purpose as such, and is merely an extra detail listed for guys in the harem menu.

PlayfulPlayerFlufferLiterotic Lover
PhysicalBig Dick devoteeUnderwear KinksterTantric Sex Master
ExhibitionistOrgy FreakExpeditionistPorn Star
EccentricSumty TempterFantasy FuckerTentacle Tamer
VoyeurCadaulistCam ConnooisseurDick Pic Addict
SubmissiveSex SlaveStoicWicked


At each interval of 50 levels, starting at level 250, guys will hit a soft level-cap and require a number of gems to be able to continue leveling. Additionally, you must have a specific number of guys at a given level to unlock the next set of 50 levels before any guy may move past this level-cap. There are 8 gem types in all, earned through a variety of events and game modes, with each guy needing the kind that corresponds in color to their Elemental type. You are able to perform awakening on guys as long as you have the necessary gems and guys to do so, regardless of your player level.

Additionally, some areas of the game may display a rainbow type gem as a reward. This is not a unique gem, rather it means that you will earn the given number of gems for each of the 8 types. (ie: 10 Rainbow gems = 10 gems per each color, for 80 gems total).

Below is a chart that denotes how many gems you need per level with the amount varying by the guy's rarity.
Note: This chart is the individual amount needed to pass the listed level, not a total to reach it.


Below is a list of the number of guys you need at the listed level before any guy may pass that level.


Each week, guys will have all 3 of their stats boosted if they possess a specifically designated attribute. 2 attributes are boosted each week with the attributes and value of the boost changing every week on Monday at game reset (1pm France time). You can check which attributes are boosted at any time by clicking on the star icon at the top right of the screen next to the menu button. In addition, this will show what the boosts will be for the next week so that you may plan accordingly.

Which attributes are boosted is chosen at random among a variety of possibilities including, but not limited to, Hair or Eye Color, Rarity level, Favorite Position, Zodiac Sign, or Element. The level of the boost can vary as well going between a 20% to 40% boost to all 3 of a guy's stats (Hardcore, Charm and Know-How), if a guy has both of the Blessed attributes for the week, the bonuses will stack to allow up to an 80% boost to all 3 stats.

A spreadsheet to easily view which guys have a particular attribute can be found here.

PvP & PvE:
PvP - Seasons & Leagues

You can fight other players in Seasons or by participating in Leagues. However, due to the nature of how battles work and how all fights run automatically, there is no true form of PvP where you can actively fight against another person in real time.

Participation in Seasons costs "Kisses", a form of energy exclusive to that game mode. These refill at a rate of 1 per hour, or can be refilled manually at a cost of kobans. It utilizes a point rank system with points called "Mojo" that are won or lost from performing battles. Opponents are matched with you based on their level and Mojo compared to yours where all opponents are within +/- 40 levels and +/- 25% of your Mojo total.

As you win Mojo, you will progress up a tier based reward system where you will win a reward each time you proceed to a new tier level. The amount of Mojo gained works on scale of 1-40 based on how much Mojo your opponent has compared to you. Similarly, losing a battle will deduct Mojo from your total following this scale, working proportionally from how much you would've won. In addition, winning individual battles will reward you with affection & experience for the guys in your team with the amount granted based on your opponent's level with 1 point of EXP/affection per 50 levels.

Each month, Seasons will soft reset with your Mojo total dropping back to a point relative to what tier you ended on last month with a new set of rewards available each month. You can learn more about Seasons and the types of rewards it gives here.

Leagues are a more competitive form of PvP that costs Tokens to battle in which recharge over time or can be refilled at a cost of kobans. Each week you are placed against a number of opponents in a group where winning or losing will grant player experience and and a number of points based on how much Ego you have left over at the end of the fight. If you lose however, the points will be determined based on how much Ego your opponent has remaining. These points are used to determine what your rank is within your group with rewards distributed at the end of the week on Thursdays at game reset based on your final rank.

If you are in the top 15 of your group, you will proceed to a higher tier group, while being in the bottom 15 will cause you to drop into a lower one. You can read more about Leagues and the different rewards available here.

PvE - World Trolls & Sex God Path

PvE in this game takes form as battles against World Trolls and the various features incorporated in the Sex God Path.

World Trolls, also known as Villains, appear at their respective world map with 1 troll for each world except for Begin City. Battles against them come at a cost of combativity, the bar shown at the top of the screen indicated by a fist icon. These points refill over time or can be refilled manually at a cost of kobans. They can also be won as a reward for reaching tiers in Seasons and Path of Attraction, or rewards from Contests, Daily Quests, or some other features in the game.

If you win a fight against a troll, you will get a reward from the pool shown under their stats in the pre-battle menu. These include cash (relative to the troll's level), tickets used to fight Champions, attraction points towards one of the guys in the troll's battle team, Ascension Gems of a certain type, or story items (as long as are available). Story items are used to progress at certain points in the story for the world the troll is in and only the amount needed to complete the story are available. The drop rate will also cause these to guaranteed at required points so that you are not left stuck at a certain point in the story. In addition, defeating a troll enough times will get them to level up, which will make them slightly stronger as well as increasing the amount of cash to be won from them.

A list of all trolls is as follows. Information regarding their stats, levels, and what guys can be won from them can be found on their respective world pages of the wiki. The range of shards that can drop for their guys can be found on the harem page.

Sex God Path is divided into a few different feature types.

Champions have more unique rules for combat which are detailed on their page. They are fought using tickets and are accessible from the Champions menu on the home page of the game. 6 Champions exist in all as well as 1 in Clubs that cycles between 3 different Champions, each offering an exclusive guy.

Pantheon's Stairway works by proceeding up a tiered ladder system of fighting 1 level after another repeatedly used Worship as an energy to perform a battle. Each level will be stronger than the last and completing a level will grant a small reward as well as a guy being granted every so many levels. In total, there are 2,000 floors in the Pantheon.

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