Event: Festival

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This event never properly ran in GayHarem and is a Legacy event that only occurs during May's Orgy Days.

Event Guys:
A list of guys you can obtain during the event. The listed means to obtain them are based on the original layout of the event. Due to the nature of the event appearing only through Orgy Days, this line-up is highly liable to be different during the event's appearance in-game.
Festival GeekComplete 12 out of 14 of the special event missions.
(Commonly available through Epic or Event Pachinko during Orgy Days.)
Festival AtsuoDefeat Dark Lord in Gem Kingdom or win in Pachinko.
Festival RakamDefeat Edward in Juy Sea or win in Pachinko.
General GeorgeWin in Epic or Event Pachinko.
Festival TitanWin in Epic or Event Pachinko.
Festival AureliusWin in Epic or Event Pachinko.

Event Missions:
For each day of the event, a special event mission is added to the normal line-up of daily missions and awards a number of kobans for completion. However, during Orgy Days, only the first few of these will appear in-game. You can see the full set of the event's missions below. For more information on these Missions, check our Missions page.

Festival 1 Labor Day!

High ho, workers! We must march to fight capitalism and keep our rights! We can't just take it easy because it's a bank holiday! March on, the crowd awaits us!
Festival 2 Equip Yourselves!

The month of May is the party month! In May, we get to fuck to any theme! One must equip accordingly: sunglasses, walking shoes, condoms, alcohol and… a grinder. Ready? Go!
Festival 3 It’s the Golden Week!

This is a special week and the only one in Jipang where almost everyone takes holidays! You thought you would too, except that your whole harem is free and wants to go out with you all week. Good luck taking care of each of them...
Festival 4 May the Fourth Be with You!

I can feel the Force is strong in you… Become my apprentice! You’ll become stronger than you had ever imagined… Join the Pink side of the Force… Let lust consume you… yes… you can’t resist!
Festival 5 Spicey Carnival

On the beaches, bodies lie on beach towels. Yes, to sunbathe, but not only! A ferocious competition is organised around the carnival of Acajou. The guys with the best sun tan will be rewarded with a night with you.
Festival 6 Whodabiggest?

A very old and archaic festival for sure, a delirious traditional event for others; the Whodabiggest festival is quite popular. The aim is simple: the one with the biggest cock wins a night with the town hunk. So? Intimidated?
Festival 7 Kanamara Matsuri

The iron cock! Now that’s a festival with a ring to it! Entirely dedicated to the manly organ, this carnival is an occasion for you and your guys to find even crazier ways to use your organ. Now that sounds promising!
Festival 8 Loves Me, Loves Me Not

The Woodward Festival is at its peak in the forest. Fairies are preparing weird mixtures that they’re making visitors drink. Those who went are unanimous: an amazing night and sexual sensations never to be had again. An unmissable event!
Festival 9 The Lord of Anarchy

The organisers of the Festival of Madness chose you as the lord of anarchy. Your role is simple: Ensure everyone loosens up. The slightest non-deviant behaviour shall be thoroughly punished with your scepter.
Festival 10 Porn Film Festival

All the hottest adult film stars are attending this unique festival and you absolutely want to participate. The program: blockbusters, a project room and many money shots.
Festival 11 Festival of Colors

A fun but tiring party. You’re going to get high on viagra and pills that color your sperm. Then, in broad daylight, dozens of men will douse a crowd of cheering guys with their multi-colored sperm.
Festival 12 Like a Pig!

To maintain perfect skin over the years, many guys go to the festival of cosmetic mud. They spend hours rolling in it - now that’s a sexual experience worth trying! What’s more, it sometimes turns into a mud-fight between rival guys.
Festival 13 Geek Pride Day

The 25th of May, it’s Geek Pride Day! That cute guy is very enthusiastic to commemorate the release of Star Wars, and the glorious 25th of May! Do you know where your towel is? (If you didn’t understand… it’s not a big deal)
Festival 14 Father’s Day

That young father interests you quite a bit… You need to find him a proper gift for his special day! But that painted box of cheese with the colored pasta on top, no! Something sexy to remind him there’s other activities than just raising children...

A special set of equipment is available during the event. This equipment can be won at Legendary tier through Event Pachinko.

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