Event: Sexy Journey

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Sexy Journey
This event never properly ran in GayHarem and is a Legacy event that only occurs during August's Orgy Days.

Event Guys:
A list of guys you can obtain during the event. The listed means to obtain them are based on the original layout of the event. Due to the nature of the event appearing only through Orgy Days, this line-up is highly liable to be different during the event's appearance in-game.
DukeComplete 12 out of 14 of the special event missions.
(Commonly available through Epic or Event Pachinko during Orgy Days.)
Travel GregorDefeat Dark Lord in Gem Kingdom or win in Pachinko.
Travel TravisDefeat Donatien in Admittance of the Dead or win in Pachinko.
Travel MarleyWin in Epic or Event Pachinko.
Travel AureliusWin in Epic or Event Pachinko.
Travel GaryWin in Epic or Event Pachinko.

Event Missions:
For each day of the event, a special event mission is added to the normal line-up of daily missions and awards a number of kobans for completion. However, during Orgy Days, only the first few of these will appear in-game. You can see the full set of the event's missions below. For more information on these Missions, check our Missions page.

Sexy Journey 1 Travel Around the World!

You prepare yourself for a great, touristic trip that will make you discover guys around the entire world! But before that, there’s lots of organisation to do and tickets to buy… get to it!
Sexy Journey 2 The Guy in the Airport

Too busy flirting with the cute guy waiting for his flight, you didn’t hear the last call for your own flight! You need to cancel your ticket, get another one, and reorganise everything! Congratulations...
Sexy Journey 3 Change Currency

You need to change your currency. It’s complicated between the Dick-coins, the €jaculates, the $eks, the £icks and the ¥men! What’s worse, you think the employee is using his charms to distract you while he screws you on the exchange rates.
Sexy Journey 4 Night at the Museum

This sex museum is very interesting! Especially the guide, actually! He’s turning you on with each sentence, and you’re so excited you’re going to need to masturbate to calm down! Luckily, there’s a room meant just for that!
Sexy Journey 5 Don’t Forget the Guide!

At the end of the visit, it’s a courtesy to thank the guide in due form. You put your heart into it, you have to admit his voice was erotic and he knows how to keep the public’s attention with his hip swinging. On top of that, he’s quite the hunk!
Sexy Journey 6 Visit Luca…

Everyone advised you to visit Luca: a magnificent temperament, stunning beauty, perfect curves, a sight to be seen… You have to admit everyone was right and you don’t regret it, even though you thought they meant the city.
Sexy Journey 7 Dildo and Backpack

You take your backpack for a hike. The meditation, the scenery, all that. Half a day under the sun and you’re already exhausted!! There’s a road not far off. Only one option: hitchhiking
Sexy Journey 8 The Smell of Tar

You got lucky yesterday! A bus full of tourists passing by picked you up! Unfortunately, you haven’t moved an inch from where they found you. A 24-hour orgy with all the guys on the bus, that’s the reason! And the driver is insatiable!
Sexy Journey 9 The Breakdown Trick 2.0

The heat is unbearable and the bus driver still doesn’t want to move. A real nymphomaniac. And all the water supplies are empty. You reach a compromise: suck his cock while he drives. You just need to manage the pedals at the same time.
Sexy Journey 10 Ah!! The Scenery

You pass the night in a tent, near a little lake. When you wake up, you hear charming laughs nearby. What a splendid view! So many guys washing, playing, and touching themselves. You know what to do with your morning wood.
Sexy Journey 11 No Plans!

You continue your journey on foot. You really didn’t prepare well and somehow, you’re now lost in the mountains. The weather looks threatening and you find refuge in a grotto. As the thunder roars outside, strange noises resonate in your shelter.
Sexy Journey 12 Homo Qui Non Scitis

A violent blow to the head! That’s the last thing you remember. You wake up and can’t see a thing. However, you feel something slide along your cock and moan with pleasure. You’re tied up, nothing you can do. Only submit...
Sexy Journey 13 Denial Has its Charm

You find yourself outside the grotto. You still don’t know what happened to you, even if you ended up enjoying it. You start walking again, hoping to find a nearby town. The holidays are over soon and you need to find a method of transportation.
Sexy Journey 14 Reunion

A bus is heading to Being City. Ahhh, finally back to a real bed and your home. Travelling is fun, but it needs to end at some point. The bus arrives. You recognise the driver. He recognises you. You won’t be home just yet...

A special set of equipment is available during the event. This equipment can be won at Legendary tier through Event Pachinko.

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