1. Osawari
  2. Fleurety

(Eromon List -> Select Eromon -> Change Rarity Display to HR)(Eromon List -> Select Eromon -> Change Rarity Display to SR)(Eromon List -> Select Eromon -> Change Rarity Display to SSR)(Eromon List -> Select Eromon -> Change Rarity Display to SL)


166 cm905784


AttributeMax LevelStatsHPMPATKDEFProvocationSpeedSpecials
Freezing FilmTemporarily increases the DEF of all allies.Initial501240
Don't let your eyes deceive you. No succubus ever spoke so prettily, but Fleurety is a devil at heart and unflappable to boot. She's a dilligent worker, especially when it comes to making sure Asmodeus isn't slacking off. A hailstorm of contempt (and actual hail) awaits anyone who dares bore her.


HRI'm Fleurety, Put 'er there. That life force of yours sure looks a treat... Can i have it ?
SRI got myself a subordinate by the name of Asmodeus... She's a real piece of work, let me tell you...
SSRI've taken a hell of a liking to you. You're top class... And always looking at me like you're about to pop ♪
SLBet there's lots of stuff you wanna do to me... You go right ahead. Nothing's of limits. nothing ♪

Where to Capture

Ticket Gacha


Was also optainable from Kissy Kissy Valentine (Second Half) Event Special Pack (L version) until January 18, 2016

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